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Then crawled into bed and laid sideways justin walks into the room and shuts the door he crawled into bed with me and laid down on his back i crawled on top of him and laid sideways with my legs bent and my hands up to my face and head on his chest he wrapped his arms around me we laid there like that for a while

i cried even more into Justin's chest i Cried for 20 minutes then i st threw up in the toliet once then cried even more but that made it worse I puked again while justin held my hair back he kneeled down next to me and put my hair in a bun then rubbed

my back i puked twice more than flushed then looked at justin he stood up and walked over to the sink he wet a paper towel then came back and kneeled wiped my mouth then threw the paper towel away i wrapped my arms around Justin's neck and almost knocked him over he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer

to him he hugged me tight "babe not so tight" i said he loosened his grip "im sorry i did this to you" he said "you should be" i told him "thanks babe" he said

3 days later I am wearing (pic above #1)

everyone went back to LA except for Justin we had a doctors appointment to confirm we were in the room they drew blood then we waited for the results "congratulations you are pregnant" the doctor told us my heart sank

Back home they prescribed vitamins for pregnancy Are you going to be okay without me" he asked "I guess" I told him

Next day Justin went home and I have to stay in paris I went to do a scene for my movie I went home and threw up a couple times I made a fruit salad with yogurt

Next week I was wearing (pic above #2) Selena came she is here now "Selena I'm pregnant" I told her "justin?" She asked i nodded she smiled

"congratulations" she told me "I wish I wasn't...Justin's happy...but it's too soon I don't want a baby and the media and fans they always wanted Justin to be a dad but now it's too early and when I get bigger is he going to want to stay and plus I'm scared I'm not ready to be a mom " I told her "no but your going to be a good mom and justin is going to be a good dad and your going to make it work" she told us

2 weeks later

I'm done with my movie we just finished and I packed up and moved back to LA i moved back into my house and put my stuff into it i'm wearing (pic above #3) i called my real estate agent to look for a new house with 2 walk in closets a finished basement updated everything and whatever justin wants

We looked at two different houses kim and Kanye's old house  Britney Spears's old house We are at our house talking   "i like the second one" i told him he smiled "i  like the first one better" justin tells me "you got me pregnant i get to choose the house" I told him "fine second?" He asked i nodded "second" i told him he smiled

1 week later

We moved into the second house a week ago and sold our old house and we both bought this one we took what we wanted like my tour stuff and your clothes and stuff and left what we

didn't want  I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I'm starting to get a little bit of a bump which freaks me out so I hide it when we go out I've been to 2 doctors

appointments i got ultra sound pictures I ran into the bathroom and threw up twice in the toilet then twice more than stood up flushed and

washed my face then continued to unpack I organized the tour stuff that I put in the finished attic then I walked downstairs and organized my closet Justin has s house keeper so she organized his stuff

1 week Later

People are already assuming I'm pregnant and that's why we jumped into the

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