Alfredo flores

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He took off the condom and threw it he started leaving wet kisses down my neck "I love you" he breathed I kissed him passionately "how do you feel" he whispered breathing heavily "I feel good" I whispered to him "good" he smiled he rolled off of me and  pulled the covers over us

We went to sleep Next morning 7 am 

I woke up in bed alone Justin wasn't there i put my glasses on and his shirt and then walked downstairs he was in the kitchen doing something I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind "good morning princess" he greets

"awww babe i love you" i cooed "because i called you princess" he asked "that and last night" i smirked "ewww you guys are gross" Jeremy says justin and

i turn around "what are you talking about" i denied it   "oh god Justin fuck Justin" Jeremy Mimicked me from last night I blushed and hid my face behind Justin  "dad stop" justin groans annoyed

"Ugh fuck me so hard Justin" he mocks "I didn't say that" I complained still hiding behind Justin "dad stop your embarrassing us" justin complains "okay"  i stopped hiding behind Justin jeremy walks away

"Babe take a shower with me" i whispered "now" he asked i nodded he smiled we walked upstairs and into my room and shut the door we got in the shower and washed everything and i shaved under my arms down there and my legs then we got out and dried off and dried our hair then we changed into (pic above)

2 hours later We were sitting on the couch next to justin alfredo was next to me too "aww look at you guys" my mom says i wrapped my arms around Justin's and alfredos neck justin wasn't wearing a shirt my mom took a picture of us and sent it to me I put it on instagram with the caption

my boys and tagged them then i unwrapped my arm from around fredos neck "we should go to lunch" justin tells me looking at his phone i glaced down and him to see what he was doing

"Except i can't i have sound check"  justin says and stands up i groaned "babe what's wrong i have to go" he asked me i pouted "she doesn't want you to leave" alfredo acknowledged justin bends over and kisses my lips i wrapped my arms around his neck he pulls away

and tries to stand up he does but with me wrapped around him he put his arms under my butt so I wouldn't fall "babe why are you so cuddly today" he asked me i shrugged "because your my baby and I love you" i cooed "oh no what do you want" he answered "nothing" I denied

"mhm" he questioned  "take me to the arena with you and maybe after the show we can have fun" i smirked he gasped "ewww you guys are gross" fredo groans annoyed and disgusted


Alfredo justin and i went to the arena justin was doing sound check alfredo and I sat there for two hours talking about stuff and listening to justin sing we finally got bored and went to mcdonalds we got

lunch for alfredo justin and i then went back to the arena and walked in the room Justin was sitting on the edge of the stage drinking water  "hey babe come here let's have a water chugging contest" he looks at me i walk over to him he hands me a water bottle we open the caps

"what do I get if I win" i asked him "a kiss" he told me "how about we bet money" i told him "how much" he asked "how much do you have on you" I asked "you think your gonna win" i nodded he smiled "okay i have 5 hundred dollars in my wallet" he told me "okay" i smiled

"ready" alfredo says "3 2 1" we started chugging the water i finished first justin wasn't even half way done "i win" i cheered he stopped drinking it and put the cap on "pay up" i smiled he pouted

"awww babe don't Pout" i kissed him passionately then pulled away he gave me the money "you know I let you win" he confessed "mhm" I  questioned I put the money in my bra

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