Part 2: The Things We Don't Tell

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An accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked community, or family are the things I did from the age of 13 up to 18. When I was 13 my family moved again from Eatonville, Florida to a place called Kissimmee, Florida. When we moved there, it was going great at first. Then our dad talked about us going away for the Christmas holiday. We went to a place called Davenport, Florida.

While were in the house a ton of things were going on. My mom became my teacher and my dad was the principal. It wasn't very fun for me. My mom had to teach all of us kids. At that time, I was the oldest of 10. We were all in different grades. At that time, there was only eight of us in school. It was annoying to me. I had to do the same work as my younger and brothers and sisters at first. I was in seventh grade at the time. I didn't want to do lower grade work. My mom said I didn't want to learn.

I had also formed to have depression. We were stuck in that house for eight months. I couldn't stand it. All of us girls were in one room. We had to literally boil hot water for us to take a shower. There was no privacy what so ever. I was mad and never wanted to eat. Later, I learned the type of depression I had is called Dysthymic Depression. We finally got out of that crazy house in June of 2008. When we started school again, we had failed. I had to redo my seventh-grade year over again. I had to return my old textbooks, just to get the same ones. That whole year I studied my butt off. I made friends and I formed bonds with my teachers.

Then a year later I moved from Kissimmee, Florida again to Greenwood, Delaware. When we moved here I was 15. I was no longer an 8th grade cheerleader. I was known as the new girl at Phillis Wheatley middle school. I made friends, but the friends I made kept wanting to set me up with someone. I dated this guy twice, and I felt crushed being dumped twice. I then dated three more people. I could get through the year. I just had to go to summer school for failing the math portion of the Delaware State Test. That summer I turned 16. One day coming home from school my dad was gone.

I was so mad. My mom had finally kicked him out. My mom was filing for divorce. I wrote a poem about my dad. I was so mad because there were many times while my mom was at work that we used to get butt spankings each day. I knew it was because we were being kids and getting into stuff. I just thought our dad just had an ager problem. After passing summer school, I moved on to high school.

When I got to high school I was in the 9th grade and the oldest girl. I had the same friends and we ended up having two roommates at my house. There ended up being four more kids in my house. Well, when I started dating again, I realized how I fall in love too easily. I got into drinking. I also managed to get drunk with one of the roommates. I got into a big heap of trouble. As I've gone through high school I have managed to date people I've met through Facebook. I learned that was very wrong. I ended up with two hickies from one person. Then once I dated another person I got another hickies. During those times, I was lying about a lot of things to my mom.

Now when I got back together with this one guy I stopped doing all those things. I learned to have fun and not be so wild. I knew this that person was someone I do love. Now I don't lie. I got to church every Sunday. I still have my friends. I am no longer having depression. My mom doesn't worry as much. I just worry like I always do. I learned that even without me dating this person any more things are still good. I hang out with this person still.

My family may not like him. My mom says he hurt me too much. Yet I know with him behind me to talk to and give me comfort I will be okay. I still have the good grades. I have formed new relationships with teachers. I just go with whatever is coming at me. I am on my way to becoming a Christian. I already go to a Christian church. I even started reading the bible. Now at the age of 19, I am doing well. I still must work out some stuff at home. Yet things are still great. The whole point of this prologue is to start out strong with truth and feel good about releasing secrets.

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