Chapter 2

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Throughout the time, I was writing these two stories, I had, had great inspiration. I was inspired by my relationship with my boyfriend. Yes, I know, "I don't want to hear about your love life." Those are the same people one day down the line, you find them reading a romance novel, or novella or an erotic romance. Every writer has something which gets them inspired. Anyway, throughout thinking about how changed I've become, and how the characters change too, I grew to understand more. I also started understanding my relationship better. Christina in Genuine Commitment is the same way.

I had to understand Nathaniel isn't trying to break my heart, he just wants to know how to be there for me. Christina had to learn for her to trust James, she had to let him in. Each of my stories has a story with a little bit of me in it. For me I feel my relationship with Nathaniel is one I will always treasure. It's one I am always going to treasure because of how we have come to be. Nathaniel and I met back in February on The first day we met on the site we clicked. We exchanged numbers and began talking more.

Throughout the month of February, we talked every day. During the month, Nathaniel had noticed I wasn't being myself. I told him about the drama I was dealing with. He had suggested about me going with him. I loved the idea, but I didn't want it to seem like I went to him to depend on. I decided to go with my dad. Even though I am living in South Carolina and going to college in August, we're still together.

Since we've been together, I have learned how different our relationship is from all the others I've been in. For one thing, we are honest with each other. We don't argue, and we communicate well. We talk every day, and we make each other laugh all the time. We know when something is bothering the other. We are very sink with each other. It's great to have someone who pays attention to me, and who has shown me, not every man is the same.

Knowing I can talk to him about anything makes me feel great. The only thing I get shy about is when he notices I'm upset. He must literally push it out of me. Nathaniel and me, I think are perfect for each other. We have managed to stay together if we have, even though there are those who say it won't last and that long-distance couples don't work out. I have relatives who dated long distance before they married. I guess there will always be haters.

He's been trying to get me out of being doubtful. I keep thinking all the things we want to do, we can't for another three years. He is very convincing at times. Other times I just end up getting sad. He is a very great person who makes me feel lucky. He likes to tell me it's the opposite. I think it's because we treat each other with as much care and affection as we can.

There have been moments when I was worried about how I was acting with him. I was very closed off. I thought everything I was doing was wrong. To him, he always begs to differ. It's another thing I love about him. He always manages to get me to realize I'm just being paranoid, and there is nothing wrong. I wrote a love poem about him to kind of break out the habit of what I had put myself through. I was trying to get myself to relax. I didn't want to lose him. I'm glad I didn't.

I have two, which makes me feel lucky. I release all that's going through my brain and let it go. I didn't want it to eat away at me. Once I wrote it down, I knew I wanted to share it with him. He is very easy for me to talk to. I feel so much better afterward. It's great to have someone that special who makes me forget about all the things I was worried about from my past relationships. I'm just the type who doesn't want to make the same mistakes. I don't see that as a bad thing. The way we connect with each other, is something I am happy to have. It makes me feel as if I am on top of the world. Of course, I won't tell him that.

There is so much I can't wait to experience when we get to spend time together again. I love knowing we can talk to each other with ease. It relaxes me, and gets me to open more. It's a good thing in my case. It's better that way.

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