Chapter 2

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I said, "that's not funny." Jusitina said, "I think so." Mariah said, "are you two going to kiss now?" I said, "not with you guys around." I got them to go out the door. When I closed it, I knew they were still near it. I could hear that laughter. In the moment it took for me to be in his arms, I was already in bliss. We kissed for about a minute.

We sat on the bed, and I told him about me running from the house. He said, "did you go down wolf road?" I said, "no. I went straight up." After that, we clasped hands and kissed some more. We ended up making out a lot. It was nice.

There are moments where I still think about him. I try to make myself think it's just a memory. I also know why my heart says. He laid on me that night, and we talked. We talked about all the things on our minds. AS he was kissing me, our friend walked in. He told us about how him and Leo's sister got into a fight.

Man, was he scarred up. As he was leaving, he said, "I'm sorry dude. You keep doing you." When he left. we kissed a little bit more. Then he started playing with my foot. He gave me a foot massage. I slid off the bed onto his lap. I didn't think he was going to catch me. We just stared at each other until we heard the door. My mom and Jusitina were standing there.

They were telling us about a fight going on. Leo and I jumped up, and ran out to the living room. We saw the cop and before I knew it, Leo was gone. At least I thought he was. My mom told me about cleaning the kitchen. As I was finishing, I felt something pinch me by the pantry.

I didn't see anything, so I just fixed the chair. I stayed in the kitchen. I saw the pantry door open. I saw Leonardo, and he grabbed my waist. He said, "Shhh." We hugged, and then I watched as the cop left, and my mom gave our friend an evil look. Before Leo left that night, we shared a hug and a kiss. It was another week before I saw him.

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