Chapter 1

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I am in a new place right now. I have been through the craziness in the last two years. I went from living with my mom, to living with my grandfather and his girlfriend, and my aunt, to living with my great grandmother and cousins. Once there, my great grandmother moved out, and it was just me and my older cousin and my four younger cousins. Then I moved back in with my grandfather. Yet, this time he was married.

Him and his wife were having issues with my grandfather being abusive to her. He ended up being locked up, and having to leave.  My family got mad at me for telling the cops the truth about the abuse situation. I ended up staying with his wife. Through that time, I was going crazy. It seemed like I just kept messing up everything I was doing. When me and her son broke up. it was like I had shut down. When I talked to my best friend, she cheered me up. She kept telling me about thinking about the real happiness I had from a former boyfriend of mine. For the rest of the month of October I thought about one of the memoirs I wrote about us.

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