Chapter 6

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June 15, 2016

Just Another day:

Yesterday I took the placement test. I scored a 79 on the reading and a 17 on the math. I know I am going to have to study real hard. I know I can do it though. I can't work on my story. Every time I go on Microsoft it comes out telling me it's not responding. I just got to suck it up, and buy the program again. I also need to get the McAfee for my laptop too. I know what I need to do. I put money aside for my phone already. I also got money aside for my dad's Father's Day present.

I want to help Andrea with getting it. I know my dad is going to love it. I hope we can hide what we are doing long enough. Daddy is so good at being able to know everything. Hopefully, he won't find out what his present is.

June 16, 2016


I'm having a good day. I wrote a little bit on Genuine Commitment. I read some stories from Wattpad. I am going to get back into reading on Figment. I haven't been on there as much as I have with Wattpad. I like being able to put words on a page. I'm typing up my story. I'm very happy with the way things are working out. I'm feeling mighty good.

June 21, 2016

Just so darn happy:

I know it's been a while. I have been writing in my notebook journal though. I have been working on my novel. I got to 41,000 words. I just need to write some more, to get to 50,000. I am just so freaking close. I can feel it. I don't know if I should hand write it, and go from there or to just type it out. I am sure I will figure it out though.

June 24, 2016


Well, I got Genuine Commitment to 50,640 words. I came up with a new story idea. I've just started trying to outline. It's frustrating because I haven't done it in so long. I'm going to get back into writing my stories the right way. I remember when I used to write whenever. Now, I just put it aside so much. I want to be able to get back into doing it. I remember so much I have done with my writing. I think I just need to get back into doing it.

Hey, when I start writing, it just makes me feel better. I get to bring life to what I put on paper. The only thing I would say I would have to worry about is when I'm angry and writing. I start putting situations in my stories, just to let off steam. As good as it feels afterward, I know somewhere down the line, it's not a good thing. I have so much to accomplish these coming years of my life. Things are going good, and bad. My situation is good, but now I'm screwing up on my dream.

I hope I don't lose sight on what I can do. I love writing and being creative. I like being able to make things known through paper.

June 25, 2016

Just Some News:

I got my outline written for my new story. I have decided to change the name. It's now called Together Again. I just must change the name on CampNanowrimo. I am hoping this story will be good. I know I should probably add to Genuine Commitment.

There is so much I want to do. I know it won't be hard.

June 26, 2016


I am feeling good. I had a great conversation with Nate tonight. Just knowing our relationship isn't a one-way thing makes me feel good. It makes me feel like doing a back flip. Of course, I don't know how.

I know that we both love each other. I know he wants to make things happen for me. I understand where we are as a couple. I know how strong our want for each other is too. I feel so lucky to have him. I don't ever want to scare him off. I am starting to know more of his thoughts too.

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