Chapter 6

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A New Journey: Mar. 7th, 2015 at 12:02am

Well, I am getting ready to embark on a new life. There is a chance for me to be able to do a lot of things I have been wanting to do for a long time. It amazes me how people can act as if they didn't do anything wrong, when they know they did. People always want something in return. Yet, now I understand what is important.

I got the chance to see Nate today. I was happy to see him. He is so sweet and lovable. I am glad to have him in my life. He is the perfect guy from me. I am very pleased with that. Having someone who is very important to me stand by my side, helps me to know what can happen. It allows me to know there is safety. I am proud of myself for making it this far in my life.

I am glad I have been right about a lot. It's so great to have family. Your family will always be there. Well, the ones who care anyway. I know I am loved. Being loved allows me to know I can do anything.

Mood: Accomplished

Letting Loose: Mar. 11th, 2016 at 4:44pm

I am now with my dad. With being with my dad, I feel so much better. My dad treats me like an adult. I like knowing I am safe. With being here, I don't have too much trouble. With not being around Mrs. Cassandra, I don't feel like I can't do anything. I know on the outside it still seems like I act like a child. Yet, when I get to where I need to be, I know I will do a great job.

I want to make my dad proud. I am still with Nate. I was so happy to see him on Sunday. It was great to be able to hug him. It was good to know I have someone besides my family who cares. I love knowing I can be a great success.

Mood: Awake

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