Chapter 2

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Early writing seems to be doing me good. I can't work on my story until I get home today. It's okay because I know the ideas will just be flowing. I am glad I have gotten so far with it. I can't wait to finish the story.

Of course, then I must do the worse part. I must rewrite the story. That just means the second draft. I finished the books I had got. I like what I do. I enjoy being at work, but I love being a writer more.

Friday, June 24, 2016

I have gotten Genuine Commitment to 50,000 words. I've been trying to outline for a new story. It's hard since I haven't outlined in a while. I want to make sure the story comes out good enough.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's 9:24 am and I'm awake. I feel good. I mean I feel better since the headache I had last night. I'm glad I got everything just about set for school. I can't wait to start college. It's a big campus, but I know that since all my classes are in one spot, I'm good. I'm enjoying just being happy. It feels good to be able to smile.

Everything is going the way it should. Orientation went great on Wednesday. I got the outline for my story written. I've decided to change the title. The title is called Together Again. I think the title is good. I am hoping this story turns out good. I think I will do a lot better this time.

I don't know if I am going to hand write for camp or if I'm going to type. I think when July comes I will just download the scrivener app again. I want to do a great job. I know I can do it. If I can keep up with writing every chapter with 1,667 words, I should be fine. 50,000 words is the goal. Of course, everyone says with CampNanowrimo you pick your word count.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Even though I have all these ideas going through my head about stories. I just started to get back into doing an outline. There is so much I can say when I write on paper. I know that I have a voice. I finally understand why my mom thinks the way she does about my writing. It's because my writing is telling the truth. It's because my writing is telling the truth. Even though it's written as fiction, there is still some truth in it.

Every time I watch the movie, Dear John I feel the emotion. I can just imagine what it would feel like to lose the one you love while being overseas. Then, to end up getting shot almost to death I would be livid. He survived but it's still sad. After that, losing your father would just make things worse. Yet like they say, you must know death when you want to be writer and telling stories.

I'm thinking that when I start writing every day again, I can get a lot out of myself. I just need to stick with it. I just need to start practicing again. When I'm writing, and I got the idea going, I feel so much better. I like being able to post on Wattpad and try to go to new heights. I enjoy being able to write my type of love and adventure. I love the thrill of writing page by page. I like finding out that seven pages equals to 1,667 words. I like trying to reach a new word count.

I have emailed one of my favorite teachers. I have been in contact with her since I was 17. She has always given me great advice. I have a lot of my good moments now. I'm happy with what I have accomplished. I am glad I am going to continue writing. There is so much thrill and excitement in it. I love knowing I can post my stories on all my social media.

I mean just allowing my followers to see what I'm working on, and then gaining more followers who are writers. I like being able to start writing more. There is so much I am gaining out of being able to do it. I have even gained some followers from being on Wattpad. The stories are amazing, and I learn how to better my writing technique. I want to be a better writer. I like learning about what to do. Being a writer is a lot of hard work. I know I love doing it. I have written many stories by hand more than typing them. I can do both, yet just my hand moving across the page makes me feel so good about it. I'm also getting back into reading. Reading is good. My imagination gets stronger each time.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

I know I haven't written in a while. I've been writing for CampNanowrimo. I've been working on my blog too. I have been writing, well typing a lot at work. I'm up to 30,000 words. I'm doing good.

I'm glad things are going so well. Even my relationship with Nate is getting even stronger. I love him more every day. We connect just by talking with each other. I love him and I just want to show him how much. I've been putting all my emotion into this story. It's causing me to see how much he cares for me.

Just having him send a text telling me he loves me, and I'm his baby, it really makes me feel so much better. He draws me to him more and more. Of course, I can't stop missing him.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Being able to watch touching movies and being able to write stories which have me pour out my emotions makes me feel so alive. I mean just being able to write about love and life makes me feel a whole lot better. I get to just sit and write.

When I can write and just let go of all the things I'm holding in, I just feel a whole lot better. I understand life has become very dangerous. It's getting harder to trust people. 5 cops have been killed in Dallas, and 7 have been injured. The only thing I've noticed is that I am very worried about how I am towards Nate.

He is special to me, and I don't want him to not be in my life. He tells me I have done nothing wrong. I believe him I do. I think the problem is from my story. I'm pouring myself into it, and I am causing negative to come up. There is so much to happen along the way. I don't want to give up on trying to see him.

I want to be able to save up enough to see him. I really do love him. I know we both like being independent. We go so well together. I love being able to tell him about what I write. Knowing he supports me and he reads what I write, it means something. I love hearing his stories about his past and work. I get to learn so much more about him. There are times when I just can't stop thinking about him. My feelings for him are all through the two novels I am working on.

When I watch movies like Letters to Juliet, Stomp the Yard, and Romeo and Juliet, I get very emotional. There is so much inspiration and longing for love, and being able to find true love. I feel like I have found mine. Even though we are certain miles away, I still feel so lucky. He has been willing to stay with me. He has been very loyal.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

As I have come to understand my journal is the one notebook which is big enough to hold enough I want to say and write. It doesn't seem to be a normal journal either. I have written a ton of emotion put into my words and masterpieces. I know a lot can be said through my stories. Being a writer is one of the best things ever.

I know I have had times where I have thought about quitting. I have thought about giving up on trying to be a great writer. The problem is when I haven't written for a certain amount of time I become very irritable. I have been learning a whole lot more about what it takes to be a writer. I have been getting back into reading as well. There is still so much for me to learn. There have been moments where I forget what I was thinking.

It's 11:26pm and I have watched Wattpad videos on YouTube. I also learned about another writer. I think she is very driven and incredible. I don't agree with these people who want to hate on her. I think it's wrong and they should just stick to what they should be doing. I know we all have something to say about everything. I've been learning for myself it's better to let my writing speak for me. Just being able to write makes me feel like I have accomplished something great.

Writing is the one thing I do more than anything else. I love being able to write about something I care about. Just being able to come up with my very own spin on life. There are many writers I look up to. There are even stories on Wattpad I love and admire. It doesn't mean I am going to steal their work. I have my own work I love too. My stories are from me. I like I can have my characters come alive.

I know I will always be a writer. I feel I am better at it then I was years before. I have grown over time. I have done so much better with the few stories I have posted on Wattpad, then the ones I am worried about, which sit at my mom's house back in Delaware. I know I can create more stories. Everything takes time, and I know I can achieve whatever. I have a couple of special people who believe in me. With them behind me, I know I can do it.

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