Chapter 1

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This is a story about all my favorite moments with this person. There were a whole bunch of moments. Yet, I don't want to share them. This relationship was on and off for four years. I have learned a lot from it. There have been times when I have been mad at him. I could probably tell you the rest of this story through my poetry.

I wrote a lot of poetry when I was with him. It was as if he was my muse. He made me laugh, cry, and smile real big. He was strong a lot. There were times when I saw him at weakest moments. I know he was not happy about it. He always told me about being strong. I remember one distinct time when it was crucial.

It was when we first got together. We were sitting in my room. He was telling me about what his sister did. See, his family is a family of Pagans. They were a family of bikers. They didn't want him dating a person who wasn't his color. They didn't know about us at the time.

His sister and her boyfriend got into a fight at my house. She went home whining to her father about the breakup. She told him about Leo being there. Her dad said they weren't allowed over again. Well, little did he realize just how his son was.

Leo snuck over and told me. He told me he was going to sneak out. I said, "I don't want you to get in any trouble." He said, "don't worry, I will be fine. Just be strong." When we left the room, I saw his sister. I wanted to punch her in the nose.

The next week I was in my room hanging out with my sisters. It was me, my sister Jusitina, Olivia, and Mariah. We were laughing and joking.

Leo showed up by the doorway. I said, "you can come in." Jusitina said, "this is our room too." Olivia said, "just get in here." He stood in his spot against the closet door. I said, "how did you get here?" Leo said, "I bought my bike." I said, "how did you get past your dad?"

He said, "I put Nyquil in his coke before he went to sleep. He already took his sleeping pill." I said, "isn't that dangerous." He said, "he'll be fine. I had to find the pedals though." I said, "aren't you worried about him waking up?" He said, " I used almost the whole bottle." Jusitina and them started laughing.

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