Part 4: Put to Rest

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All the times I have thought about him, have made me immune. Whenever someone mentions him, I start thinking. I keep thinking about what it would be like to see him. He was so different from those other boys. He was a bad boy. Yet, he came from a home where he could get all the things he wanted. I know it doesn't make sense.

Everyone has a different lifestyle. I just know I can't stop thinking about him. He may have had issues, yet he was the one who made me feel comfortable with myself. He was a guy I kept thinking was going to disappear. I enjoyed being in his arms.

There was this one time when he came over, and we danced in front of my bookcase. See, it all started back in that April 2011. We became friends, and then in May, we got together, and just kept going from there. It wasn't like we had anything crazy.

Anyway, I was sitting in my room by the sneakers. I had the door closed. My mom was saying about me singing too loud. I was writing and listening to music. I heard a knock on the door. I said, "come in."

He came in and I jumped in his arms. He feel flat on the bed. He said, "I missed you." I said, "I missed you too." He said, "I can tell." I got up and went by the bookcase. I was looking for the picture of me I drew for him. He came behind me and was swaying his hips.

I said, "what are you doing?" He said, "I am dancing on you." I said, "I can see that." I turned around and gave him the picture. I said, "I made this for your birthday." We sat on the bed, and we were holding onto each other. We stayed like that for about a minute. We released after he read what I put.

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