Chapter 2

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My Experiences: Apr. 4, 2013 at 4:16pm.

On Monday, April 1, 2013, I went to my first youth group meeting. I met some people from my church. Our group name is called Sacrifice. It's a group that does a lot of things for the community, and we come together to make decisions. We learn about what it means to be followers of God.

I made a friend. Her name is Melody. I met her at the youth group meeting. We have the meeting from 6 to 8. It's a lot of fun. Since Monday night, Melody and I have been texting each other. It's funny.

Mood: Amused

The Week: Apr. 6th, 2013 at 9:50pm

For the past week, I have been dealing with home. It's as fun as it should be. Then again, my weekends aren't fun anyway. My time is basically spent home. I just want to do more. I am just not that fun I guess. I know a lot of people. They just always have something to do.

I want to have plans. I don't want to sit in the house the whole time. My boyfriend hasn't been coming. He says I didn't do anything. I just want to know why he won't come to my house. I have asked him, but he is avoiding the subject. I have no idea what I should do.

Mood: Aggravated

April, my day: April. 7th, 2013 at 11:46pm

It's Sunday, April 7, 2013 and I went to church. I love going to church. I love going because I enjoy singing the songs. I love learning about God. Anyway, I hung out with my siblings and my friend Melody.

I have had a tiring day since I got home from church. Chores are so crazy. It's the same ones all the time.

Mood: Awake

The News: Apr. 8th, 2013 at 6:01pm

It's now Monday April 8, 2013. Now things started out bad this morning. When I got to school, my friend Joshalyn noticed that my eyes were red. The day got even worse. I got nervous when it came to my test in English of The Raven. At first I was messing up. I was reciting it while switching backpacks. My backpack busted. Well, I ended up late for my Food Technology class. Lucky for me, I had a pass.

Well, when I got to class, I had to take the food preservation quiz. My friends were getting mad because I was writing fast. You could hear it with pure silence in the room. Miss. Neal was just smiling. I made the pencil she lent me dull. I was just writing quick. I finished the test in time. Well, when I got home, I had a surprise. I saw my former friend, Kayla. Well, you know what, I still want to be friends with her. My mom just doesn't like her.

Mood: Busy

My Family: Apr. 9th, 2013 at 10:48pm

Well, it's night here on a Tuesday. I am not happy as I should be. Dwayne is still here. Yet, he just keeps telling my brothers and sisters what we do in private. Like I don't get called weird already! I am just mad because my brothers and sisters made the kitchen a mess, and left it for me to clean. I hate it. Yet, I had to clean it before my mom got home. I don't even know if Dwayne still likes me. He won't kiss, hug, or even touch me. I just want to know if I did something wrong.

Of course, it's not like he is going to tell me anyway. He talks to my mom more than me. I try to talk to him and all I get is: "I know" or "Oh Wow." That does not help us. I just want to know.

Mood: Aggravated

It's Friday: Apr. 12, 2013 at 6:27pm

Yes, I know I have been typing almost every day. I just have a ton to say. I came home and now my room is a mess. It's a reoccurring thing. I just can't get away from it. I sleep in the family room. I don't get time with my boyfriend. Well, when I do, it's usually in the middle of the night. I am glad that my school week hasn't been a total bust. Today didn't go as great as I wanted though.

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