Chapter 2

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I have now reached 3,085 words. I feel great about it. I think CampNanowrimo is going to be great fun. I think I can do this. I know there are people who aren't into it. I respect that. Yet, just giving it a try, for me to do it, makes me feel good. I am very proud of myself. I think I was just nervous this morning. I started out with 209 words. I've been working on this story, and it's great.

I'm only on chapter 2 though. Yet, I think it's good. I am trying to make every chapter at least 1,667 words. I think that's the good part about it.


This morning I got up at 2am. I have no idea why. I got back up at 6, and got ready for work today. It has started off as a normal word day. I have started #CampNanowrimo. It's going good so far. I think I am doing good. I changed my word count from 50,000 to 20,000. I figure if I start out small, I can work my way up. That's how you do everything else in life. I am a little tired, but there's nothing like a little mountain dew to get your spirits up. I am hoping this story will be a great one. I know I probably say that about all my work. Of course, I usually put my all into all my work. Of course, I usually put my all into all my stories, and I expect for them to come out the way I want them too.

It's the first Tuesday in July:

Happy belated 4th of July to everyone. I hope you all enjoyed it. Well, yesterday I wrote 15,121 words. Today I have written 17,063 words. I am feeling good about it. I only have 2,932 more words to go before I am at 20,000. I am very pleased with myself. I may be at work, but I feel happy. I know answering phones may not seem like a great job. Yet, it's quite a good thing. You got to learn how to communicate with people.

When the customers come in, and I get to meet them, I feel a little better. The ones who sit in the office with me, and talk with me, make me feel ecstatic. It's because we get to talk. We communicate like we are normal people. You don't always get that around here anymore. There are so many people filled up with anger and hatred.

I have been learning a lot about life, in my short time of being on this earth. I have learned you can't always trust people. Even though you may trust, you must always watch your back. There is so much going on here, and it's like you can never catch a break. I think it's best if we just keep pushing on. I think that's the best way to go with this.

I know what you're thinking. "She's only 22 years old, she doesn't know the struggle we go through." Contrary to what you might think, I do pay attention. I listen and try to watch what happens. I do listen when people tell me something. It may not be in the form of how they want me to use it, but they do get used eventually.

I am not very skilled, but I do try to learn something new every day. I am a big reader and I find out new things all the time. Everyone is just trying to get where they need to be in life. I think it's great that we are still trying even though we have those haters who like to say otherwise.

Long Process:

Alright everyone, I'm going to be completely honest about this. When I tried to get to 50,000 words with Genuine Commitment, it didn't take me that long. I am trying to do it now with Together Again. I believe I am being lazy. I think I just need to loosen up. I'm typing while I'm at work, and I'm not using music in the background as much.

I think that's why it's not going as quickly. Normally, I think I would have gotten done quicker. Genuine Commitment now has 31 chapters. It came out 50,647 words. I am very proud of myself. I think I am just reading too much into this. I reached 20,000 words by the way. Now, the new goal is 30,000. I know I can do it. I know it's not hard for me. I am a writer and this is what I do.

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