Chapter 1

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For those who don't know me, I am a writer and reader here on Wattpad. I have been writing stories since I was 10 years old. It has always been my dream to become an author. These past couple of days I have done something I was nervous about doing. I finally published one of the stories I have written. With being on Wattpad, I have been learning it's a great start. It can lead you to great things. There is so much I could tell you. Yet, I let my poems and stories speak for themselves. My stories and poems have helped me say what I want since I'm so afraid to do.

My profile name is @katrinataylor63. I am 22 years old. All my writing is either about love and happiness or about sadness and life in general. My favorite authors are L.M. Montgomery, J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, Charles Dickens, Maya Angelou and many others. My favorite books are Because of Winn-Dixie, the Harry Potter Series, Once Upon a Marigold, Anne of Green Gables, and Pride and Prejudice. I have a lot of favorites of books and movies. I love to read, and I'm good at naming celebrities if I've seen them in more than one thing.

I love drinking mountain dew and eating spicy food. I'm not a picky eater, but there are some things I won't eat. I know you are probably wondering why I'm saying all of this. I believe if you are going to learn about a writer or read their work, you should know some stuff about them. For instance, I'm a detailed person. I love being on Wattpad. I get to read a whole bunch of romances, and share my work. Not to mention, I can take it anywhere.

I've been learning how to be a better writer. I have come to understand my life has taught me some things which can make me a better writer. I'm the type of person who writes about her life. Since I write about my life, I get a better understanding of how I've grown over the years. There are times where I wonder what happened to my imagination. Yet, when I'm getting into a story, I find the ideas flowing through me. I enjoy those moments. I get to see what direction my characters are going to go.

For me to know I am getting over my fear of what the world will think of my writing, it makes me feel great. I would say I am a different type of person. I write to let go and gain strength. I have a friend who told me my stories are very relatable. For someone to tell me that, it puts a smile on my face. It means sharing my work is helping others. It means I have done a good deed. While I'm writing, I'm wondering what I should write about next.

I'm always trying to figure out what I could about next. Being able to see my stories come to life and having the chance to meet new people is wonderful to me. Writing has been something I have enjoyed for a long time. When I was a kid up to a young teenager I wanted my stories to help other kids know they could reach their dreams. As I got into my older teenage years I switched.

As a teenager, up to now I have been writing romance. I find myself learning a lot about the different couples and types of relationships in the world. I have come to understand I am growing with my writing. I let music guide me as well when I'm writing. I listen to all types of music. When I'm listening to music it's like an exciting thought passes through my mind. I start to get more energy and I'm more focused. I listen to all different types of songs when I'm writing. It helps with the emotion I am looking for. Being able to have been listening to music to feel better, to then have it help me with my writing is a great feeling.

When I'm writing, I am in my own little world. Think that's another thing I love about being so passionate about it. I find myself getting lost in the stories and the characters. I am very happy to be the person I am as a writer. I have grown over the years better because I have could write about my pain. Granted there are people who feel what I must say is rude and it's all a lie. Yet, there are always two sides to every story. They can tell theirs and I will tell mine. It's great when you can feel better after letting go of what's on your mind. I love being able to do it on paper.

Having could write two novels makes me feel good. There was this one story I just used as a test to see if I could do it. I tried it with a story called Genuine Commitment. This story idea came up back in March. I wanted to write about something which had to real meaning. When I found out about NaNoWriMo, I wanted to see if I could do it. It took me two weeks to do it. Thank God I have a job where I can sit and write. Of course, answering the phones is what I do. I write while I'm waiting. Knowing I could do it, made me feel great. I just got the book self-published. I feel very proud of what I have done. I did it again this month for CampNanowrimo. I have been learning about how much a relationship affects your life.

It's great to be in one, yet there is also a lot you need to take in consideration. Especially since it's not just you. For me with my new relationship, I feel like I have gotten someone who makes me know what kind of person I want to be. He is very helpful and he makes sure I don't ever lose time to write. It's something that makes me love him even more. I've learned when you have someone who is loyal to you, second guessing about their intentions can cause arguments. Hey, it happens if you've had bad experiences with others before the one you're with. I'm growing all the way around these days. To think it started coming full circle when I started trying to reach 50,000 words in a month.

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