Chapter 3

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The way it should be. I guess: Sep. 21st, 2013 at 1:51pm

Well, I am back with Leonardo. I am happy to be with him. I never thought I would be this happy ever again. Yet, I am and it feels great. I see him every other week.

When I see him, my face turns red. I got to ride the four-wheeler five times with him. This was two Thursdays ago. I was home sick. Around 1:00pm, he showed up. He asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I asked mom. When she said yes, I hurried and got my shoes. I got so excited with being with him.

We went fast and talked. I know I can tell him anything on my mind. I feel safe knowing he is there for me. I love him so much. I know I put myself through tribulation when we broke up. What else was I supposed to do though? I ended up going through guys like it was no tomorrow?

I ended up dating a guy who was too old for me. I liked him, but I started to realize just how he was. I broke up with him when he started ignoring me. As it turned out he cheated on me. Well, I am happy now.

Mood: Distressed

Things in Which I Choose Not to Say: Nov. 19th, 2013 at 8:28am

There is always something I want to do. Apparently, I never spend enough time doing these things. I think my problem is not trying. It's still school time. It's now November and I am still trying. My friends are always here for me. I am in my senior year of school. I am so ready to get out of the house. There is just too much drama going on. I am surprised that I could even get things done. My mom is all stressed out. I think school is just going to be another chapter of my life. There is so much I want to accomplish.

I am no longer with Dwayne or Leonardo. Leo's family found out, and I didn't want to see him be injured. I still talk to Leonardo though. He came over two weekends ago. I did flirt, and we did hang out. I do not feel bad about most things anymore. I am learning to cope with things in front of me. I have decided to become a Christian. I have found I believe in the same things they do. I am very happy because I already go to a Christian church. I love it. I take notes and learn. I even read the Bible by myself.

Things happen every single day. I love being able to say what's on my mind. I think that's why I like to write. Writing is something for everyone to enjoy. My life may seem boring right now. I think with some more practice and some more learning I can achieve a whole lot of things. My mind is not limited. There are no limited possibilities. I don't feel as rushed. I am starting to realize I can take my time. Putting my faith in god is the best thing I could have ever done.

Mood: Amused.

My Thoughts: Nov. 21st, 2013 at 7:53am

My thoughts for this week are shifting. I am annoyed and tired. I got enough sleep the other night. Last night things were slow. I am hearing a ringing noise and it's very annoying. I am trying to relax. I think this week things are going to cease as they are. There isn't much else that can go on. I just need some time to breathe. Of course, I know I won't be getting that.

I got high honor roll on my report card. Now, I just must be able to keep it up. It's going to take a lot more focus and energy. I know that my thoughts are always here and there. I just don't know how to organize my thoughts.

Mood: Blah

What's happened since then? Jan. 10, 2014 at 1:14pm

Well since November, things have been crazy. I switched my lifestyle over to Christian. I have managed to start creating my very own website. I have could write a few more songs. I dated Elis and then got dumped. I got onto a dating website and mommy told me to get off it. I had to keep changing my product for my senior project.

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