1. The Break-Up

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Daniel threw the magazine across the room in uncontrollable rage. Their breakup was the highlight everywhere, the television, internet and every bloody newspaper and magazine.

"YouTube Star Joey Graceffa dumps his long-time boyfriend Daniel Preda!!!"

"Upcoming Teen Icon Separates from his Boy Love"

"Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda Breakup"

Daniel picked up his phone to call his manager. He saw some new tweets.

"Y'all. I broke up with Danny boy," Joey has tweeted.

"I didn't even love that bitch in the first place. Lmao."

"It is time to pop my cherry again," the tweet continued.

Daniel threw the phone away and dropped to the floor beside his bed crying his heart out.

"Daniel, this is a hospital floor. You can't lie down here," Daniel's brother pulled him up. He sat on an adjacent bed and Daniel slumped into his lap crying his heart out.

"It is all right. We need to go to the cremation now," he said rubbing his back softly.

"Why? Why the hell did you do this? You could have called me at least once," Daniel's spoke with uncontrollable tears. Daniel's ex-boyfriend Lucas had just died.

"It was scrumpox. Herpes Gladiatorum. A very rare skin disease. It killed him little by little. All he asked was not to inform you about it. As a doctor I have to respect my patients wish," he tried to explain.

"You are my brother. Aren't you? You have treated him for three years. You did not care to call me even once."

"Call and do what? The disease is highly contagious. I can't lose you too. You are the only family I have got," his brother hugged him tight.

"He pushed me away deliberately. I spent months trying to figure out what went wrong? I just thought he did not love me anymore. But, he did love me to the core didn't he? He broke up with me and endured the entire struggle alone," Daniel could not control himself.

"You were the apple of his eye, Daniel. He couldn't bear to see a scratch on you. He was so happy for you and Joey."

"I hate myself. I hate myself. I should have guessed better. I should have checked on him more. I was enjoying with Joey when he.... he...,"

"No brother. You never stopped calling him or sending him cards and wishes. You know how proud he was when he received them? Lucas did what was right. He valued you more than him. You are indeed a gem. Who would do this for a boyfriend who kicked them out of the house in the middle of the night? Joey is lucky to have you."

"He hates me. He thinks I cheated on him," Daniel said.

"He will understand soon enough. He loves you so much. It is just possessiveness. Now come with me. We have to cremate Lucas."

Next Chapter..... Joey misses Daniel. But he is too stubborn to admit it. 

To all the Janiel Fans, 

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