74. Misconception

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Joey opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he saw was Wolf on his chest. He could see Daniel's photo on his ceiling. Pietro had given him copious amount of salt water and made him vomit. He kept checking his heart rate and performing CPR. Nick talked with Chris and an expert paramedic's team arrived within 15 minutes to Joey's house.

They pumped Joey's stomach, administered the necessary shots and gave him a sedative.

"He is OK. Out of danger. You acted very quickly. Xanax, Viagra polydrug abuse is always fatal. The heart would have stopped even if you were five minutes late.," the medical team said.

"I am in my bedroom still," Joey said slowly.

"Yes of course. You did not die. You can't," Pietro said.

Joey sprung up from the bed angrily, "why did you save me? I told you to go. Who gave you the permission to enter this room? Get out," he yelled.

"Wow! You really screech like cracking the roof," Pietro said.

"P don't play," Joey pushed Wolf licking him and pulled the nearby drawer. He took the remaining Xanax pills.

"So this is how you know? He came to this room to take Xanax? You are a super dog," P said to Wolf. It nodded barking.

"He is not that clever

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"He is not that clever. I bid him goodbye and told him I am going to die," Joey said innocently.

P laughed heartily. He had heard how Joey and Wolf will compete with each other for Daniel's attention. Joey was doing the same now too, claiming he was better.

"Joey, my dear Joey, I really don't know what to say. You are such a delight to be with. Why can't you consider option living, getting back with Daniel etc, etc," he asked sitting beside Joey.

P took a pillow and hugged it. All the pillows in the room had Daniel's pictures on them. Joey tried to snatch it from him. P eluded him.

"You die. I will marry Daniel," he teased Joey.

"You can't marry him," Joey sneered.

"Want to challenge me?" P smirked.

Joey's expressions turned quite sad suddenly, "he is already taken. He married Mr. Morrison in Canada today."

Even P was shocked to hear this. "Joey, the overdose had definitely affected your brain. No such thing happened. You are hallucinating," P said irritated.

"No I don't. I saw it with my own eyes. I even have proof," Joey took his mobile and showed him some pictures.

"Daniel married him.....Mr. Morrison," Joey sighed, "this man looks even better than you. Bugger, always gets the best," Joey said.

P eyed the photo sharply. "Who told you this is Mr. Morrison?"

"Shane did. He took the photos. He told me about the marriage. Made me see it through a window" Joey said, "Chris, Hope, Sean everybody were there. They were in a church and they signed together. The priest blessed them. There were floral decorations all over."

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