37. A Heart full of Love - 2

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Joey tried to let the child go. He started to cry loudly. Joey was reminded of Daniel's screeching voice. A smile appeared on his wounded face. 

"Dr. Preda. I will divert his attention and let him go in a few minutes," Joey said. The doctor sighed and went out talking with Petar. 

Joey took the child to the garden. Anton was showing him his favorite flowers. Very soon, his sister joined him. Chatting with the children made Joey feel so relaxed. 

"We could have been family," his mind cried. The children's mother came in a few minutes. Joey remembered seeing her in the mall. 

She took Anton from Joey with ease and send him inside with his sister. "I am Ellen Preda," she introduced herself. "Chris always says Anton is a spitting image of Daniel. No wonder he likes you so much."

"Children," Joey sighed. "Let me go before he comes out. Else he will start crying again."

"I will walk you out," Ellen started coming out with him. "Chris was very fond of Daniel. Missed him so much all these years," she said walking. 

"He really wants to take him back and educate him further. Make Daniel get an MBA or something."

Joey looked at her confused. Why is his brother trying to take him in now, after all these year?

"Chris gave him his certificates and made him take a huge job in London. Lucas is dead and you both are separated. He hopes Daniel will understand the folly of his ways now..."

"Excuse me Mrs. Preda he was not foolish...."

"Joey I did not mean to insult you. It is just that we ... Chris will never approve of your lifestyle. He is a very reputed person in the society. And he really feels Daniel needs his direction now."

Joey was fuming with anger. 

"You know young love, it never lasts long.  You know how guilty Chris felt seeing his brother work so hard when he was so rich. He wants to make up for that. He wants to keep Daniel comfortable, luxurious, accept him into the family. It is up to Daniel to behave."

Joey got the message clearly. You stay away from Daniel. We will take care of him, henceforth. 

Petar joined them and Ellen bid goodbye. "Dr. Preda wants to talk to you in person once Joey. I can arrange for it if you agree..."

"Petar, did Lucas give Daniel money?"

Petar looked at him reluctantly. He was gulping hard. 

"Tell me what is going on? Why did he go to London?"

"Joey, Lucas left him an empire. Named Daniel the sole heir for all his properties. Daniel is a multi-billionaire now. You know they were together for more than seven years. Daniel had taken very good care of him. Lucas let him go only because he got infected and did not want Daniel to stay by his side."

Joey felt he was understanding something now. Daniel is rich and his family is ready to take him back. He got his long desired certificates and a high profile job like he always wanted. There was no need for Joey anymore. 

"Joey I know I should not ask this.  But, will you please talk to Daniel once? He is literally begging me since you got down the plane," Petar said holding his mobile towards him. 

Joey got the mobile from him. 

"What?" he roared. 

"Joey...." he heard Daniel coo on the other end. 

"I am sorry sweetie. I totally lost it when I saw you in the elevator. I should not have hit you. It is a very big mistake," Daniel pleaded. 

"It is over Daniel. Clearly. Just leave it. Get on with your life." Don't come to me idiot. Go somewhere else and be happy. You thought I was waste when you got your certificates and money didn't you. Joey's mind was writhing with pain.

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