65. Montana Magic

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"You are my everything. Will you be with me forever?" Joey whispered close to Daniel's ears hugging him from behind. 

"What about your superman, billionaire, dream boyfriend?" Daniel asked smiling. 

"That's future plan. I will tell him you are my fake boyfriend when I meet him," Joey said.

Daniel turned towards him and placed his hands on both his cheeks. "Anything for you Joey boy...." he said mimicking Joey's "anything for you Daaannny boy."

Joey threw his hands around Daniel's shoulders and kissed him on the neck. He licked his neck and caressed his earlobe with the tip of his tongue. 

"Sweetie stop. It tickles," Daniel blushed. 

"How many times you have kissed me on my neck when I am vlogging? Do you understand how I will feel now?" Joey whispered again. 

"No. I dont," Daniel said hugging him closer and reaching inside Joey's trousers. 

"Danny. No. Not here. Please," Joey pleaded. Daniel did not budge. 

"You wanted it," he said pushing him into the bushes. Daniel undressed him and saw Joey's privates through the crystal sphere. Joey grabbed it from him and did the same. They checked each others nipples, fingers, lips, tongue, front and back through the sphere joking and poking each other laughing heartily. 

"Sweetie you bottom is enormous," Daniel laughed uncontrollably. He focused it right on his ass crack, spread Joey's ass cheeks and saw his hole through the sphere. 

"Rosy rose cheeks and red satin slit," Danny whistled. 

"Danny, it pricks. I am itchy," Joey said. Daniel laid down on his back and pulled Joey upon him. 

"Such a delicate baby. Never been into the woods or stretched on bare ground," he teased. 

Joey made a funny face and snatched the sphere from him. He focused it on Daniel's nipples. "It looks like chocolate ice cream topping on a vanilla cup," he said admiring brown nipples on the pale body, "Perky chocoania." Joey pinched Daniel's nipples and he laughed uncontrollably. 

They had mind blowing sex that day in the woods. They lay there naked under the sky without any worries simply giggling for no reason . Both felt they were the luckiest in the the world that moment. "We will be like this forever," Joey thought. But, their second breakup happened within weeks after the incident. 

Joey moved into the house he and Daniel selected a few months before the book release

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Joey moved into the house he and Daniel selected a few months before the book release. The house had a pool and bathtub. Joey also liked it. Meghan's brother David also accompanied them. Daniel loved every bit of the house. He decorated it according to his own wish. 

Daniel will constantly nag Joey for new things. Costly cosmetics, books, new electronic gadgets, shoes, gifts and countless dresses, Daniel's list will never end.   

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