50. Green Hair

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"You are nothing but trash," Shane shouted at Joey, "he came running to you the moment he saw you. His knee was literally bleeding. He followed the taxi. What more could a person do?"

"Stop getting new partners every day," Joey said irritated.

"Joey, you can't suspect every man talking to him. There might be friends, acquaintances. Besides, you were the one who said you are ready for an open relationship," Shane reminded him.

"I did ok. What now? I can't watch him wander about happily with a new man every day. I feel like killing all of them. I am burning alive here. He is busy hunting hunky men. Doesn't even seem to miss me a single bit," Joey shouted.

"Are you even in your right senses? He looked like a living corpse. I am damn sure he suffers more than you. He begged you to talk to him for ten minutes and you became all dramatic," Shane said.

"He could have started with a million things? Can't he just ask how you are? He said Lucas died. He is irritating me purposely," Joey's face grew red as he thought about it.

"You know what? This breakup is so good for Daniel. He is free from your big ego and selfishness. This is why it never worked out between us. You think only about yourself. You don't care what the other person's situation is. Just let that boy go for God's sake. At least he will have a life," Shane said spitefully.

Joey just gave him a scornful look.


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Daniel was shook by the night's events. He still couldn't believe he met Joey there. Why was he so angry? He was literally crying for me in that stage that day. My Joey, never selfish, always loved me more than him. He took out his mobile and flicked through old photos. He saw one with Joey wearing a green wig. Old memories came flooding.

They went out to the bar and got drunk one night. Daniel was uncontrollable as usual and Joey was sober. Daniel started insisting they do drag when they reach home. He wanted to go shopping to buy new wig.

"We already have enough. We can go home and start dressing up," Joey said.

"No. I want a new one now. I want a black one," Daniel was adamant as usual.

"Your hair is already ravenous."

"But, yours is not. I will buy one for you. We can have matching hair then."

Joey took him to a nearby wig store. He knew arguing with Daniel in that state was useless. Daniel selected one wig with shoulder length hair and was admiring himself trying it.

Meanwhile Joey saw a green wig modelled in Japanese style. It looked like toddlers one with short pigtails on both sides and front baby bangs. He tried it and started vlogging trying to give some laugh for his viewers.

Daniel saw him fully drunk. "Sweetie, you look gorgeous," he stumbled, "buy it."

"Daniel, this is fit for kinder gardeners."

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