45. Reaping Joey's Mistake

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Daniel's POV – Pietro and Daniel get close

"It is ok Daniel. Things will get better," Pietro said handing Daniel another drink.

"I should have met him P. Something or other popped up every time I tried," Daniel said taking a gulp.

"That something is me and the other is your boyfriend's big ego," Pietro thought.

"I should have run to him when he sang. It was a big mistake I hesitated," Daniel was starting to blabber drunk.

"Ben said you bought the whole gift store for him," Pietro asked a little jealous.

"I did. I couldn't choose anything there. Everything was blurry and spinning. But, he didn't touch any of it. Sean said he threw out every piece of it," Daniel started to cry now.

"That's not true. Your boyfriend rented a car first thing in the morning, went to the local charity shop, purchased all the items paying double the price, and had the baggage shipped to your house in LA. Ben told me. But, I am not telling you that anytime soon," Pietro thought.

Ben saw Joey giving out the CD's to the kids playing in the resort park that morning. He got quite angry and collected them back from the kids giving them some money. He took the CD pack to Joey's room. He wanted to scold him for hurting Daniel. He was going to lecture him on the value of those gifts.

But, he saw Joey crying in the open room. He saw him rent a car and go to the local charity shop. He followed him and saw what Joey did. "You were so right P. This man is so egoistic. He could have simply come and talked to Daniel," he said to Pietro.

What happened next was totally unexpected. Ben slipped on wet floor and fell down. He had a mild fracture in his legs. He had to be hospitalized.

"I went to see Joey in the morning. The resort said he rented a car and went out. It told them to inform me when he comes back. But, then Ben broke his leg and we went to hospital," Daniel said.

Pietro nodded

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Pietro nodded. Alexa, Daniels high school friend came to visit him and kept him occupied all afternoon. Ruby got pictures of Sean and Alexa spending time together in the evening and grew mad. They had to convince her it was a morphed photo and it was actually Daniel in the picture.

"Joey left before we got the Ruby issue sorted out. Thanks to your friend. He showed it was a morphed photo. I wonder who pulled such a prank on Sean. It should be some old girlfriend," Daniel said.

"No. It is your old boyfriend," Pietro thought. Pietro made one of his techie friends in Mensa track who did it and got strong proof, it was Joey. He had sent the pictures from a common browsing centre in the resort. Pietro had CCTV footages of Joey morphing the photo and sending them to Ruby.

It clearly showed Joey saying, "You deserve this Sean. You hooked up Daniel with another boy." Now he could trade this evidence with Mr. Woods for the elevator evidence against him easily. Besides, he also had the footage of Joey pouring transparent gum mixed water before Ben's room.

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