4. Meeting the Macho Model

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Daniel eyed the beautiful man before him unenthusiastically. He spoke with a thick Italian accent. He was surprised to see him waiting for him in the airport lounge with his name card. He could not help remembering Joey standing there with a similar card the last time he came home from a trip. How passionately they made love that night? Will he even think of all that, ever again?

 How passionately they made love that night? Will he even think of all that, ever again?

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His mind did not register anything Pietro said. It was filled with million thoughts. They reached the apartment shortly.

"How long have you been living here?" Daniel asked quizzically.

"For the past five years," Pietro said.

"What? Really? This place is practically empty. How do you live here?"

He apologized looking at the stiffening face of Pietro.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to offend you," he wondered what else to say.

"You Americans. You always spend on too many things. Half of them unnecessary."

"Um. That is a yes. I am a spendthrift," Daniel agreed.

"I don't live here much. I travel nearly eight to ten months a year. I stay in the hotels mostly."

"I understand. I am a model too. I have traveled all around the world," Daniel said, "mostly with Joey," his mind said.

"Petar warned me strictly, not to talk unnecessarily other than work. But, I will be delighted if you will tell me about your travels. I love the photos you take during your travels."

"You have seen them? Where? How?" Daniel asked surprised. He bit his lips, "Oh Instagram of course," he wondered why he acted so stupid.

Pietro flashed his most attractive smile and Daniel could not help thinking about melted chocolate and rabbits. There was something about this man that made everything seem alright. They toured the rest of the apartment. The apartment had four bedrooms. Pietro used one, another one was converted into a small office and the other two were guest rooms. Daniel was given the second largest room in the apartment.

"Do you live here alone?" he asked.

"Yes. But, there are too many visitors. I have a large family and lots of friends. I will leave a key with the security always in case, anyone drops in suddenly when I am away."

"That's unbelievable. You allow your friends to stay over even when you are not around?" Daniel asked surprised.

"Not a problem. The apartment provides cleaning services. Everything will be spec and clean when I return," he said grabbing Daniel's hand casually, "It is very late now. I will show you the pool and the garden in the morning. Take some rest."

Daniel liked the way he showed his affection. He always liked connecting physically, be it a casual handshake, a tap on the shoulder or a hug. He often walked with his hands spread over the shoulder of his friends. Pietro seemed to be that kind of a man too.

Daniel went to use the adjoining bath and was surprised to find all his toiletries stocked there. Daniel had not taken a thing from Joey's house. Luckily his passport was still with his travel agent and Petar had arranged for a visa using his connections quite quickly. Daniel just grabbed three sets of casual clothing from an airport shop before getting on the plane.

He was surprised to see all his travel requirements from his favorite Scent Bird fragrance to Fatboy hair styling cream stocked in the bath. "Maybe he uses them too. Or someone else visiting the house left it behind," Daniel thought, grabbing his favorite Glowstarter moisturizer. The bottle was brand new and not opened. All the products were brand new.

"So, it had actually been stocked for me. Maybe Petar had arranged for it," Daniel thought.

Next Chapter..... Joey misses Daniel. Daniel's first love letter. 

To all Janiel fans, 

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