19. Daniel is Safe

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"Wow! Great. You are laughing for the first time in your nightmare. Sweet dreams I suppose," Pietro said waking up Daniel.

Daniel got up. "I should have dozed off. I was thinking about Joey. It is the medicine. It keeps me sleepy always."

"It is time to laugh. You don't have the infection. Not the one Lucas had. They steered you clear of all other STD's and infections too."

"There was no chance for an STD Pietro. It was always me and Joey for the past two and a half years."

"What about him?"

"Same for the past three years."

"That means you cheated on him for six months?"

"No. Not like that. We had a break up six months into our relationship. We were separate for around two months. I was furious and fucked everybody who eyed me those days," Daniel said slightly embarrassed.

"And he didn't do it when you broke up?"

"No. He was chaste from the minute we started dating. It was always me for him."

"So, this is the second breakup?"

"Third actually. We broke up again one and a half years after we started dating."

"You guys seem to do it every year. How do you manage to get together every time?"

"It is Joey. I walked out of the house both the times. He will come for me and I will melt. It will get settled just like that within minutes like nothing ever happened."

"He wears the pants in the relationship, I see."

"Actually I do. It is more like we both do. I lived out of his work. He was the source. But, he will readily give up in any argument. Let me win. Won't hurt me. Won't say no to anything I do."

"It is not easy saying no to you. You are like a mini Nick," Pietro said smiling, "James said he had to conduct more tests to determine why you are getting the seizures."

"I think I should meet him, Pietro. I am wearing my contacts. I need my glasses. I should get a recommendation from him. All my things are still at Joey's. I just purchased two shirts and trousers at the airport."

"I know the best shop to go. I purchased my specs there. I will take you."

"You wear glasses?" Daniel asked surprised, "Don't. That won't look good on you."

"See this," Pietro flashed a photo from his mobile.

"See this," Pietro flashed a photo from his mobile

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"You look every bit like a professor."

"I was. I worked in UCL for three years as a maths lecturer."

"I don't believe it. You a teacher. I can't imagine the plight of the students."

"You did not ask anything about me before coming here."

Daniel gave a silly look now, "no. I was in distress. Had a very rough week. Petar showed your photo. I just got the address and started. Nothing really registered in my mind."

"What did you think of me when you first saw me, Harvard Hottie?"

"I actually thought of Joey. He stood in the baggage with a name card the last time I came home."

Pietro sighed

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Pietro sighed. Daniel couldn't talk five seconds without bringing in Joey. He felt a little irked. A lot jealous. What would it be to have a relationship like this?

He remembered Nick and his mesmerizing smile.

"Thinking about Nick?" Daniel teased.


"Come on. Your face glows. Tell me everything. Where did you first meet him?"

"Meet him? My mother says he was first one to hold me when I was born. We practically grew up together."

"That's interesting. Then..."

"Daniel, we should get going and return before it gets chilly."

"Shall we hit a bar?"

"Actually, I have a better idea. We can enjoy this, here in the house," Pietro flashed a bottle of Tuscan red wine.

"Chianti Superiore. Love it. The perks of working for an Italian...." Daniel whistled.

"We will buy dinner when we come. Now get moving." 

Next Chapter..... Joey thinks about their breakup. 

To all Janiel fans, 

Keep reading for Joey's POV regarding the breakup. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

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