8. The Kiss

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Joey stared at the setting sun as he drove to his studio. He had to work all night. He was working on Escape the night 2 and Storytellers 2 series at the same time. The shooting was done mostly during the night and he had to start early in the evening every day. The work consumed all night. Daniel would have never allowed me to work full night continuously, he thought. Daniel always insisted on switching shifts if Joey worked at night for more than a week. Joey had to vlog during daytime and update his gaming channel too. There were too many new games to check.

Joey thought of the old days where he simply played Minecraft with his friends. Things had changed now. That's what happens when you have more than two million viewers, he thought proudly.

"Sweetie," Daniel's voice echoed in his ears. He pulled up with a startle.

"Trash," the driver behind him yelled.

Garbage, trash, bitch, Joey remembered Daniel calling him names. It will always end with a kiss later. Joey leaned on the steering wheel and wept. He missed Daniel. He missed being bossed around by him. Above all, he missed his kisses. Daniel had the rosiest lips Joey had ever seen.



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Daniel closed his eyes and enjoyed the mix of well-cooked vegetables in the Ribollita. There were beans, celery, cabbage, kale and carrot and many other items. His fever struck body felt rejuvenated.

Pietro eyed the man in front of him curiously. He personally enjoyed food as much as he loved his workouts. Daniel seemed to treat each meal as an experience too. He had a strong feeling they were going to bond well. He took Daniel to show the pool and the garden after lunch.

Daniel was awestruck. The area was twice as big as Pietro's flat. This pool was enormous compared to their LA backyard pool. There was a lush garden surrounding the pool and enough place to conduct a small marriage. He wondered how they fit everything in the seventh floor of a building. The place reeked money in every inch.

"This is pretty bad ass money," Daniel muttered within his breath.

"My modeling agency pays for it," Pietro said. Daniel had already started examining the garden closely. There were no flowers, crotons or ornamental plants. But, the garden had everything necessary for an Italian kitchen. Herbs, vegetables, fruits, spice, greens everything was flourishing. He felt like he was in an herbal food garden. He eyed the pool hesitatingly.

"I love swimming Daniel. I was the state champion in Italy during my school days. I wanted a pool that fits my size. All my friends conduct their pool parties here."

"I am surprised. Your apartment looks famished. And this place is gorgeous."

"Well I am an outdoor person," Pietro laughed.

"I would love to take a dip," Daniel said already unbuttoning his shirt.

"No. Not now. James warned me not to let you near the pool anytime soon. Get better and you can use it as you wish."

Daniel pouted screwing his eyes, "I am perfectly alright. I slept well and lunch was like an energy booster. I feel more refreshed than ever."

"Maybe we could do something else then. Want to ride with me. There is a small hill nearby."

"Here in central London?" Daniel questioned.

"It is a few miles away. Can you ride a bicycle uphill? Or we can take the car."

"I can ride. I am pale as a ghost. I haven't been out of the room for the entire week. I need some fresh air," Daniel said.

Pietro wondered whether it was a good idea engaging him in outdoor activities. But, he didn't like disappointing Daniel. He did not want to him to swim as well.

The men rode uphill talking and laughing. Pietro was talking about his three brothers and family back in Italy. "I had two brothers. God! They used to prank me every chance they get. Once they put small bugs in my ice-cream and made me eat saying it was chocolate chips," Daniel said.

"I know. I team up with my elder brother Filippo and give the other two a tough time. God! I miss them sometimes. You miss them too?" Pietro asked.

"Not much. Living with Joey is like living with them. He will constantly scare me. I never know when he will pull a prank. He never let me wake up peacefully," Daniel laughed.

"I don't think it is his fault, Daniel. You sleep like a baby. I was so tempted to paint your face or splash water on it just to see you waking up confused. Instead, I tried this," Pietro flashed his smart phone.

It had Daniels sleeping face painted with a huge mustache, beard and horns.

"Give me that," Daniel reached to grab the mobile. But, Pietro eluded him and raced forward on the track. Daniel caught up with him in a moment and grabbed the phone. He sped up before him.

"Catch up body builder," he yelled from the top.

They raced kicking and punching each other for a few minutes still trying to grab the phone while Daniel deleted his morphed photo. He saw another photo. His face was morphed into that of a wolf, another like an elephant, a dog and a hippo.

"Hippo," he climbed out of bicycle and stopped Pietro speeding behind him. "You morphed me into a hippo."

"Actually all animals. Hippo suits you best. Maybe I should try rhino next time."

"No. You are a rogue," Daniel screeched trying to delete the photo. But, Pietro grabbed the mobile from him and ran. Daniel chased him and snatched the phone again. "What's that stupid software? Wait and see what I will do to your face. I will make you a kitten, a rabbit or a horse," Daniel could link Pietro's face only with cute animals.

"Daniel, come here," Pietro called from a distance. Daniel ran to the spot. It was a magnificent sunset. They could see the entire London from there. The city gleamed crimson in the setting sun. It was a breath taking view. Pietro held Daniels hand as they looked at the setting sun in silence.

"Daniel, you have the rosiest lips I have ever seen," Pietro leaned forward and kissed him on his lips. 

Next Chapter..... Joey and Daniel's first meeting. 

To all Janiel fans, 

Keep reading to see Joey coming back to claim Janiel and the relationship of Pietro and Daniel getting stronger. 

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