26. Daniel Meets Sean

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Pietro was eating Italian Fregola pasta porridge with caramelized apples. He looked ravishing in his black Calvin Klein underwear. 

"Did you add cinnamon to the caramel?" he asked Daniel. Zucchini spice bread toast was next. There was fresh mango juice and a Swiss chard Salmon salad with radishes and cucumber.

"Yes," Daniel was busy showing Maya Wolf and Storm from his phone. His puppy sitter always called him on a video call when Joey was away. "This is Maya. Wolf say hello to her. He is Storm. Isn't he dashing? Just like Joey. Storm look. Doesn't Maya look a lot like Goldie?"

"Can't stop ranting about that Joey for five seconds," Pietro thought. The porridge would have normally sufficed for Pietro. But, Daniel loved providing variety and Pietro didn't mind trying.

"I loved the spice bread," he said finishing his breakfast, "the porridge was almost dessert. The spicy bread matched it well."

"I am glad you like it," Daniel said, "Do you want an omelet?"

"Daniel, you are force feeding me," he said.

Daniel smiled, "you know Joey will exactly say the same every morning."

Pietro checked his mobile, "4 seconds," he said.

"4 seconds of what?"

"4 seconds since you last talked about Joey."

Daniel thumped him on the back playfully, "you want an omelet or not?"

"I don't mind," Pietro said finishing his mango juice and moving to the salad.

"Why didn't you eat the salad first?"

"I love porridge. Besides I want to relish Salmon at last. It's perfectly smoked," Pietro appreciated. "I asked for an assistant and got a top chef. Two in one."

"Come on. It is not as good as your cooking," Daniel put an egg white omelet filled with spinach and tomato in his plate.

"Green's again?"

"Spinach will make you as strong as Popeye."

"Popeye the sailor man," Pietro sang in mock voice and showed his biceps.

"You used only the egg whites. How many eggs did you pour?"

"Three. You need your protein bodybuilder."

"Perfect. Even Keira won't feed me like this."

"Who's Keira?"

" Queen Bee. You will meet her," Pietro said finishing his breakfast.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Head to my room and sleep. I am filled to the brim. Need some time to recover."

"Come on. We will go somewhere," Daniel was feeding Maya the leftovers and she was eating calmly.

"Maya never eats anything unless James gives it. How did you make her eat?"

"It is magic," Daniel smiled.

"Indeed," Pietro thought, "Danny's magic." Daniel had taken control of the house automatically. He worked in the garden, swam with Pietro, cooked and ran around with Maya like crazy. Pietro liked the extra activity in the house. It seemed so lively.

"He will go away if they meet and reconcile. But, I can be friends with him forever," he thought.

Pietro had given Daniel his Apple Mac which he used only for social media. He thought it was a waste to buy another one as Petar would arrange for Daniel's laptop to be retrieved from Joeys sooner or later. He felt elated when Daniel agreed with him. He felt proud for no reason. He had grown very fond of Daniel in the past few days. Half of his mind did not want Daniel to go. But, the other half worried about his terrible seizures which occurred almost every day.

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