29. An Old Deal

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Pietro walked out of the elevator and went to Daniel looking for him.

"There you are. How did the deal go?" he asked normally.

Pietro blinked, "it did not get finalized. I think we will have a second meeting."

"Fine. Let's have dinner. Where is Giorgio?"

"He's coming. He went down to see the other floors."

Daniel did not even talk about meeting Joey or his outburst. Pietro was surprised how poised he was. Every word Sean said was true. He could get real angry.

Daniel's mobile rang, "what?" he started without any pleasantries.

"It should be Sean," Pietro thought.

"Yes, I did. A complaint? Did he tell you I did it? Leave it at that. I don't want to talk about that trash. No. I am not coming down. I came here to have dinner with P. See you later."

Daniel cut the call and sighed.

"It was Joey. I saw him unexpectedly in the elevator. I punched him slightly. Sean is making a big deal out of it," he said casually.

"Punched slightly," Pietro thought within himself and gulped, "do you want to go down and meet him again?" he asked carefully.

"Not really. I am hungry. Let us order."

"You order for all three. I will go check what is taking Giorgio so long," Pietro came out of the rooftop restaurant and rushed to meet Sean.

 I will go check what is taking Giorgio so long," Pietro came out of the rooftop restaurant and rushed to meet Sean

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Joey was resting in his room in Sean's villa. He got first aid in the hotel and came here. He had postponed his trip back to LA for a day. He got up and went to the adjacent toilet. It hurt when he bent. He removed his shirt and stood before the mirror behind the sink. There were purple and green marks in his stomach and chest. One rib was red. Joey had bit his lips accidentally when he was hit in the face. Hence, the blood in the mouth. The area around his eye was damaged bad. It was bruised and battered. 

"Just baby punches," he thought.

"You should never, ever throw me out of this house, our house. No matter what happens," Daniels pleading cry echoed in his ears.

"Danny, you punch me right in the face if I do anything like that."


"Yes. Punch me in the face, stomach, and chest wherever you want. I won't say anything. I will tell everybody I told you to beat me," Joey remembered saying.

"But, it will pain."

"It's ok. I will take it as a punishment. You have fed me enough and made me very strong. Haven't you? I will bear it for your sake."

Old memories filled Joey's mind.

They went shopping one day and a very cute baby tugged on Daniel's trousers. "Daddy, I want to go lulu."

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