17. Daniel's Dark Past - III

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"It is him isn't it?" Daniel asked looking sharply at Pietro.


"Your secret boyfriend. Crush. It is Mr. Bateman, isn't it?

"That's personal."

"Common Pietro. I saw the way you looked at him. Joey will look at me exactly like that. With pride. With joy. There are several memes in the net teasing it."

"Is it that visible?"

"Of course it is. Besides, he called you Chicco."

"No. He didn't. He will never do that in front of others. It is always Mr. Boselli."

"But, he did. He told me "I always respected Chicco's decisions." "

"That is unbelievable."

"Actually Lucas was like his mentor. He knew me since I was a teenager. Maybe thoughts about Lucas softened him a bit. He let down the guard for a moment."

Pietro nodded in agreement.

"Do you love him?" Daniel asked again.

"I love him, Daniel. I loved him before I even knew what love was. But, I am just a fuckboy for him. A secret nobody should know."

"Pietro, people don't give sports cars and houses in Central London as gifts to fuck boys. Especially Mr. Bateman. Joey gave me chocolate pieces and his own book for my birthday, even when we were madly in love. You got to mean a lot to him."

"He loves me too. I know that. I am always very special to him."

Daniel hugged Pietro hard, "if you are the King of good looks he is the emperor. You both make a perfect couple. He cares about you so much. It shows in his every word. He let you have me as your assistant only because he knows me well. You are too precious for him. He would have never let you work with strangers."

"I know. I have a whole team working for me in Soul. But, I don't have a direct agent."

"You don't? Who negotiates your deals then?"

"Nick does. Every single time. He gives me a lot of freedom. But, like I said he is the one to finalize ...... everything."

"You are the luckiest man on the earth Pietro. Mr. Bateman was very good looking then. But now, I don't have any words to say. He is majesty itself. The way he stood up and walked towards me in his perfectly tailored suit. I felt like a mouse in a lion's den."

Pietro's smiled sadly, "I feel the same too. I just did not know how to say it. I will never be a good match for him."

"What are you even talking about? He is the king and you are his prince. I can scoop you up right away, dress you like Cinderella and hand you over to him. He will keep you in his safety locker forever. Oh! I am so dramatic!"

Daniel saw a very small tear appear on the side of Pietro's eyes. "I would really like you to do that," he said lost in thoughts. He realized what he had said in a moment and a strange embarrassment filled his face. 

"We can do it anytime we want," Daniel said in an assuring voice, "I am here right? We can do it daily if you want."

Pietro looked up very embarrassed, "No. I am busy always."

"It is ok. We will make time. I do it all the time with Joey. He was very busy too. We had lots of fun. You are super cuter than him. Mr. Bateman will eat you alive."

"He doesn't like all that," Pietro dragged.

"Then we will keep it to ourselves. Have a blast," Daniel laughed hugging him. 

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