51. Daniel get's Worse

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Daniel woke up after one of his untimely blackouts. His health had worsened after meeting Joey in the European Championship competition. The seizures have peaked and the memory loss was getting worse. 

"Joey," he called out trying to get up. James rushed to him. 

"Relax Daniel. You are too weak," he said. 

"Where am I? Where is Joey?" he asked flopping down too tired to get up. 

"Joey is out on an errand. He will be back soon. Petar is here," James signaled for Petar to come forward. Daniel gave one blank stare at him. His eyes did not show any sign of recognition. 

"How are you Danny?" Petar touched his shoulder. 

Daniel shrugged, "I am sorry. Do we know each other," he clutched his head and writhed in pain trying to think. 

Mr. Woods came next, "don't you remember me? I am Joey's security guard. We have been seeing each other everyday for the past two years," he said.

"Joey," Daniel muttered. 

Chris came to him, "Daniel, you and Joey broke up. Remember you had a fight when Lucas died?"

"Why would Joey breakup with me? He can't manage a day without me," Daniel said. 

"Daniel try to think. Do you remember Lucas?" his brother asked again. 

"No. I don't remember anything. Who are you? Where is Joey?" Daniel got down from the bed and started opening all the adjoining doors, "Joey come out. Don't prank me. My head fells like it is being pounded by a hammer."

He clutched his head with both his hands and sat down. 

"Don't you know me? I am you brother Chris?"

"Nooooo. Joey where are you? Come to me," Daniel fainted again.   

"He doesn't even recognize his own brother. But, remembers that Joey still. It is such a special relationship," Pietro said. 

"See what it had done to him. Our Dan was a University Rank holder. He is half mad now," Nick said. 

"Don't you see he loves him?" Pietro pounced on him. James signaled them to be quiet. 

"You call this love Chicco? I think this is slow poison," Nick walked out arguing with Pietro.

Chris, James and Daniel's therapist came to Petar. "It is purely psychological," the therapist said, "the boy is snapping. He just couldn't accept Joey is doing this to him. He should have placed too much trust on him."

"There should be a way. Loved ones die. People overcome it," Petar said. 

"Petar, Daniel was fourteen when our family demised. He took the blow once. Actually thrice. When I drove him out of the house and Lucas let him go. He was so brave throughout. This is the fourth time he is going through this. How much can a person take?" Chris said. 

"He was still a teenager then. He wanted to study, travel, conquer the world and do so many things. He overcame his grief.  It is completely different this time. This is love. He is losing hope," his therapist said. 

"Something have to be done. Depression caused by love failure is the highest reason for suicide till date. Plus he is guilty. He blames himself for Lucas's death. He never talks about it. One heartfelt burst out with Joey will make him feel so much better," James said. 

"They just don't talk. How many times have we tried?" Mr. Woods said concerned. 

"I don't want any violence involved again whatsoever," Petar said sternly. 

"Bring him once more. We have to keep trying. The memory losses now occur only after the seizures or the blackout. It will soon start appearing even when he is normal. The seizures are very dangerous," Chris said. 

Pietro and Nick were talking outside. "We have to do something. Maybe a frontal lobotomy. It will prevent him from accessing all painful memories," Nick said. 

Pietro got the shock of his life, "don't even think about it. For God's sake, this is not a sci-fi movie. Daniel is a person in flesh and blood," he shouted. 

"Don't raise your voice to me P. I know him better than you. These seizures are very dangerous. It might affect a million parts inside his brain. Lucas had appointed me as his guardian, medical proxy etc, etc," Nick said very seriously. 

"Nick, we fight all the time. Does that mean we hate each other. My happiest memories are the ones with you in it. What will happen if you block all of it?" Pietro asked. 

"Don't compare me with that boy. I know you since birth and I take pretty good care of you. We don't even know what he did to our Daniel. He did not bother to check him once in all these days," Nick said. 

"I know. I fully agree with you. I too don't think he deserves Daniel. But, don't take any extreme measures. I will talk to him. We will help him move on. Start dating again. He will get better with time," Pietro pleaded. He knew there was no stopping Nick if he decides something.

"He has to be alive till then," Nick said very sternly again

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"He has to be alive till then," Nick said very sternly again. "Look Pietro, I know you have this stupid notions about unconditional love, epic romance and all that shit in your head. Try to think logically. We all care for this boy. But, he is hanging on to the one person who does not worry about him with his dear life. Hard measures are necessary to make some people understand the reality," Nick kept talking. 

"Give me a month. I will try to woo him....," Pietro stopped looking at Nick's face. He came near him and placed his hands on Pietro's shoulder. 

"Chicco, I know you will fall for him the moment you said you hired him. It is OK. You don't have a future with me, whatsoever. I would rather let you be with Daniel than some stranger," he said with a blank face. Tears appeared in Pietro's face. 

"Don't you have any feelings at all? I am telling you I am falling for another person and you are perfectly alright with it. You know what, that Joey with all his mad possessiveness is better than you," Pietro punched him on the chest and Nick caught his hand. He kissed it gently. 

"I always want the best for you Chicco. Nothing less. Daniel is one of the best," Nick kissed him on the forehead. "One month. I will talk to Chris and James and fix the date for the lobotomy after that. I know Daniel. He loves hunky men. It will be so easy for you to make him fall for you after the procedure," Nick left to talk to the doctors. 

Pietro felt terrible. He wanted Daniel bad. But, he fantasized only about having fun in bed and making more money. He had always envisioned a life together with Nick. His urge to be with Nick and have a permanent relation had surmounted, hearing about Daniel and Joey's romantic love life often. 

And now Nick throws this bomb. Of course, he will always ensure Pietro gets anything he even remotely desires. Is he trying to do the same with Daniel? Is it his eccentric way of showing his love for me? 

Pietro remembered studying, "When love is not madness, it is not love," somewhere. He felt sorry for Daniel being torn around between two Alpha men, Joey and Nick. 

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