36. A Heart Full of Love

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Joey's POV

Joey was literally fuming in the flight back to LA. His mind was rewinding all the previous incidents people had mentioned Daniel was too bright for him. Petar, his manager was the first in the list. Petar was highly talented. He had good experience in talent hunting and had started his own firm before a few years. Joey was one of his first and important clients. 

Petar helped Joey reach 3 million subscribers from 2 million within four months. He was a very mature person and Joey had high respect for his skills. Joey thought Petar should evaluate Daniel personally before introducing him into his channel. 

"Joey, this boy is a brilliant catch. You just cant waste him in YouTube videos," Petar told Joey calling him after Daniel's interview. 

Joey felt elated. "What do you suggest I do?" he asked beaming with pride. 

"I am not letting him go at any cost. I really want him to work for me. But, he is reluctant. Wants to be with you. Make him your assistant manager. Come over here. We can talk," Petar said enthusiastically. 

Joey went to Petar's office that day and ensured Daniel accepted his job offer. For some reason, he felt Daniel was made for him. His friends, colleagues and many others mentioned Daniel was too bright for Joey in various occasions. Joey only felt extremely proud then. 

Daniel got a huge offer from the StyleHaul network Joey was signed in. It did not materialize at the last minute. Joey knew he got offers from various studios to manage their production needs. But, Daniel never considered any offer that will keep him away form Joey. Never once have Joey thought Daniel will feel he had wasted his life with Joey. 

His heart hurt beyond words. He was surprised to see Petar waiting in the airport for him. 

"Oh my God Joey! How dare he touch you? Has Daniel lost his sense completely?" Petar fumed looking at Joey's battered face. 

"I did not even meet him. I fell down," Joey said covering up for Daniel. 

"Joey.... he called me ten times already. He had fixed a doctor appointment for you. But, I never thought it will be this serious."

Joey sighed. He was sick from the travel and the disturbing thoughts. It would be better to see a doctor anyway. Petar kept saying he could not believe Daniel did this over and over again. They went to a posh house in the richest part of LA.

"Petar aren't we going to the doctor?" Joey asked confused. 

"He is the number one doctor in the city. It is his house," Petar explained. 

They entered the garden and Joey saw a very cute child playing. He was automatically drawn to the child. The boy was around five and reminded Joey of Daniel so much. He came to Joey and looked at him reluctantly. He ran inside. 

"Joey, Dr. Christopher Preda is Daniel's brother," Petar dropped the next bomb. The child came out clutching an ice cube in his hand. He tugged on Joey's trousers stretching his hands to be picked up. 

Joey raised him and gave a kiss. "My name is Anton," the child said placing the ice cube around Joey's wounded eyes. Joey was taken aback. It was a selfless act of kindness. 

"Daniel's nephew," Petar said, "I think it is in their family genes to get attracted to you." 

They met the doctor. Joey noticed the striking resemblance Dr. Preda shared with his brother. The children they had met earlier in the department store were Anton and his sister. That's why they thought Daniel was their father.  

"So, you are Joey," he said without smiling and started to check him, "Daniel called me after ten years today. He had never called me even once in all these years after I told him to get out of the house. Not even in dire situations. He called me today requesting me to check you personally. I don't see why my brother is so smitten with you."

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