67. Joey's Singing

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Joey was in a meeting at Petar's office. Petar was talking with utmost excitement. "Joey, your performance in the Cobo beach vent viral. The world  loves your voice. Top recording companies are flocking me to book you. You can pick anyone. They are ready to offer you a full album. You will become a rock star overnight," he said. 

All the people in the room were congratulating Joey. He just smiled and nodded to everyone of them. "Say something Joey. This might be the biggest moment of your life," Petar nudged him. 

Joey sighed, "Daniel will die if he knows the news," he mumbled. Petar heard it. He knew Daniel will be beyond joyful to hear it. He knew how hard he tried to make Joey sing. 

Joey was taking acting classes when Daniel joined him. Daniel kept insisting him to start singing training.

"Daniel, will you never give up? I told you about my stage fear. Not a single word will come out of my mouth if I stand on the stage. I never wanted to be a singer. I want to be an actor."

"Just start training now. We can worry about all that later."

"Who will pay for it?" Joey shouted

"Joey, I will do it gladly if I can. You know I don't have that much of money. Do it for me. I will do anything you say. Whatever you want."

"Anything?" Joey squint his eyes just like Daniel, "will you give me a hundred kisses a day?"

"I will give you a thousand kisses a day."

Joey hated having to start singing from the beginning again. He dreaded the competitive students and regular classes. But, none of it happened. His vocal trainers were world renowned people and were ready to teach him online anytime. He visited them twice a week, mainly on weekends for half a day initially. He did not train with other students and they taught only him.

He practiced from the comfort of his house, recorded it, played to them and got instructions. They skipped the basic and started concentrating on his plus points directly. He started to love the class within a short period.

Daniel will make him sing in a number of small occasions from parties to get-together's and church gatherings. His stage fear gradually diminished. Joey got a chance to host an award ceremony once.  He was initially sacred. But, Daniel showed him a beautiful princely jacket decked with crystals. He promised to buy it for Joey if he agreed to host the show. 

Joey only agreed because he was doing it with iJustine

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Joey only agreed because he was doing it with iJustine.  He believed she will make up even if he mess up something. Joey adored her and was on his best behavior to impress her. She casually asked him to sing a song for the audience in the middle of the ceremony. 

All the lights switched off except for the one's focusing iJustine and him. Joey felt like he was singing only to her. He realized he was singing in-front of thousands of people only when the lights came on. The crowd went frenzy with loud once more and Joey sang again this time with the lights on and in front of a very huge crowd. 

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