44. Heart Pain

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 "Mr. Joey Graceffa who the hell you think you are?" Meghan shouted at Joey.

Joey buried his head deeper into his knees.

"Look up Joey. You are not a kid. What did you do?" Cat, his best friend shook him.

Joey looked up, "what did I do?" he asked dryly.

"You broke Benito's leg, pushed Alexa into pool and sent Sean's morphed photos with Alexa to his girlfriend," Meghan listed.

"What is the proof I did all this?" Joey asked.

"You are an evil genius," Cat punched him on his shoulders. "Mr. Woods told us what happened. Others might not know. Daniel will not suspect you. But, we know you."

"Really, that boy fell down on wet floor. I haven't even met the girl before. And Sean, were the photos sent from my phone? Did they do an IP address check?" Joey asked crossly.

"Joey," Meghan lifted his face, "there is no use lying to us. I know how possessive you are. You know Alexa is Daniel's first crush. You bumped on his new car purposely because he tweeted a photo with her, meeting her in a flight."

"So? Who saw me pushing her into the pool?" Joey asked sternly.

"You moron. She is in the hospital suffering with Pneumonia now," Cat said.

Joey pulled up Google in his mobile and held it to her. It said, "Germs called bacteria or viruses usually cause pneumonia."

"If that bitch throws herself to others like she did with Daniel, there are lots of chances for her to get all the viruses in the world," he said.

"This is not a joke Joey. Any or all three of them might press charges against you. You might be arrested," Meghan shouted again.

"You are a grown man for God's sake. Why don't you just walk to him and say, come back I need you. You have no right to harm others because they live in the same planet Daniel does," Cat said.

"I don't want him. I don't have any feelings for him," Joey said blankly.

"You always backup when it comes to showing emotions. Remember how you pushed him away in both your earlier breakups. You did not want him to attend a Christmas party because people will know who he is during your first breakup," Meghan said.

"And you chickened out when he said he wanted to move in with you. That led to your second breakup. Gear up the courage now. Go and bring him back. You clearly know you need him," Cat said.

"You threw away all the presents he gave you? Think how much it should have hurt Daniel," Meghan said.

"Will you both stop it?" Joey shouted and started to cry uncontrollably.

"I am your friend. Not him. Do you know what I am going through? I saw them in the bed together. That boy and Daniel. He was sleeping on his chest," Joey cried like a child. Both Meghan and Cat were shocked.

"Did any of you think about me? How I will feel? He was in touch with that Lucas all along

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"Did any of you think about me? How I will feel? He was in touch with that Lucas all along. For all three years," Joey coughed. Meghan gave him water.

"You are fighting over a dead man," Cat tried to reason.

"What if he was alive Cat? What if he had gotten cured and called him back? Daniel would have left me to go with him. Wouldn't he?"

Both Meghan and Cat were stunned. They never expected Joey to think like this.

"What if that Lucas had called him a year back, a few months back, he would have left any minute. I lived a lie all along. I thought it was permanent. I feel so cheated, cheap, used,"

"Did any of you ask how you can do this to our Joey? Is she a substitute? Daniel is right always. I am wrong," Joey said.

"Who walked out of the house in both the breakups Cat? Me or him? Did he come back on his own? I went after him. Have I ever given a reason for him to leave again? Don't you know how much I have changed for him?"

Meghan hugged him, "we know baby. He took very good care of you."

"He did Meghan. He did. I fell for it once. I am not falling for it again. He filled my room with presents and went to bed with another boy. I went to his room and saw it with my own eyes. What is the use of gifts if everything is rotting inside? How do you expect me to touch any of it?" Joey asked.

Meghan and Cat were speechless.

"I thought it was love all along. But, I was an alternative, a refuge. It is me only when there is nobody else. It hurts to know the truth. Yes. I hurt them all. I couldn't bear to see him move on so easily. I am powerless before him. I can't do anything to him. So I hurt others." Joey leaned on Meghan's shoulder and whimpered.

Cat hugged him from the other side. "Would it have hurt to say, Lucas this is Joey. We are together now. He did not. He never told anybody. My family, his friends. I was never good enough for him."

"Stop it silly. You were the one paying him. Not the other way around. You are the best," Meghan said.

"Everyone blames me. He took everything from me. My laughter. My friends. I am so.... lonely," Joey pushed his head deeper into his knees.

Cat and Meghan saw his back shaking, "we will never leave you Joey. It is you who matter most," Cat said. "You are our sweetest friend," Meghan started crying with him. 

"Do you think it is easy for me bumping into him every fortnight? He punches again and again right when it starts to heal a bit. Why is he hurting me like this? I can't bear this pain Meghan. Why can't he just kill me once for all?" Joey continued to cry. 

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Next Chapter..... Daniel and Pietro. Where will their relationship lead?

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