73. Wolf's Cleverness

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The initial feeling when Joey kissed Pietro was contempt. But, it changed to passion in a moment. Joey's manly musk engulfed P. "Why doesn't he ever use cologne? He always smells sweaty," P thought. The weight of Joey's hands on his shoulders and his beard on his face created untold sensations.

It was a very busy week for P. A lot of things had happened from Siena to his PhD contract. There was absolutely no time for fun. A week long sexual urge was ready to be released. He returned the kiss with force. Joey hugged him hard now, thrusting his tongue further.

"God! He is strong," P thought. They broke up after a very long kiss.

"Wow!" P said, pulling him to the bed. He saw Joey's eyes tear up.

"What? I didn't even wear Scent Bird today," he asked.

"I.....me...I still can't believe you are here. You look like a Greek statue. Are you real or CGI graphics?" Joey blurted.

P flashed his trademark smile pulling out Joey's clothes. He felt the velvety skin inside. It was exactly like Nick's well kept body.

"You have such a baby skin," P complimented rubbing his cheeks on Joey's chest. Joey blushed.

"I am hairy," he said smiling.

"Natural," P corrected, giving a long lick from his bellybutton to his nipples. He saw Joey getting goose bumps. He felt Joey's body shudder lightly under him. He started to suck and lick his nipples nibbling them lightly now and then. He heard Joey moaning.

He looked up. Joey's eyes were very red. He was desperately fighting tears.

"Is anything wrong?" P asked.

"No. Just continue. It's been nearly two months," Joey said. His voice was literally cracking.

"Joey, are you in pain? It is only a week since you pulled up Daniel. Did your sprains heal?" P asked standing up. He started to discard his clothes. Joey saw a magnificent body. He remembered the swimming pool. This was much closer. It was beautiful, chiseled, tanned, perfect. Every adjective he could think of kept flooding his brain.

P placed his mobile and watch in a table

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P placed his mobile and watch in a table. He removed his necklace and placed it on the desk. It was the same one he gave Ben in Cobo. It will record every single thing happening in the room. He sat on a chair to remove his shoes and socks.

Joey saw him sitting in the chair. He looked like an emperor. Joey got down and kneeled between his knees.

"Ahhaaaw! Joey," P moaned now as Joey started to use his tongue with expertise.

"Now I understand why Daniel wants to come back to you so desperately. You are forgiven for everything," he blurted out lost in sensations.

"What?" Joey asked confused.

"Nothing baby nothing. Just continue," he pressed Joey's head between his thighs.

Twenty minutes later, both lay side by side on the bed terribly exhausted. "Joey you are the best bottom I have seen so far. You are beautiful," Pietro said kissing him on the forehead. Joey started crying profusely now. He ran to the adjacent bathroom.

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