25. Raging Joey

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"Why did he do this? I thought he betrayed me only once. He had weaved a web of lies around me. Why?" Joey asked with utmost anger. 

"Desperate situations call for desperate measures Joey. It was not his fault," she tried to console him.

"Your sister was living in a government home. She got aborted because Kaden pushed her. He was in jail for abusing her," Petar explained.

"What? That bastard abused her. My sister? He doesn't even deserve her," Joey was fuming now.

"Your sister thought the same and had him arrested. But, she was so lonely without her child and him. She tried to commit suicide in the government home," Colleen said.

"That's not true. She is very brave. Where was my father? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Your sister and Kaden loved each other. But, they started their life too early. Financial difficulties were eating them. The police called your mother. But, as usual, she was not sober. Your father was drowning in debts. He fled when police tried to call him and visit him fearing they will arrest him. Bob just gave your number to the police. You know all your official calls get routed to Daniel," Petar said.

"He contacted me because I had connections with high profile women liberation organizations. They wouldn't send her away with Daniel. You haven't come out gay then. They wanted a blood relation. That's why he told them I was going to marry you," Colleen explained.

"When did this all happen?"

"Around a year after you started dating. He took her to your mother's home. That's where he saw Jett and your mother and then started keeping in touch with them and helping them," Petar said.

"I was so mad at all of them then. But, why didn't he tell me all these years?" Joey asked.

"He was scared," Colleen said.

"Scared? Of me? you are kidding right?"

"No. You completely lost your sense when he bought your father to this house when you moved in here. That was a month after this incident. You told him very clearly you did not like what he was doing," Petar said.

"Did that mean anything to him? He continued what he was doing. Not a spec of respect for my words," Joey said.

"Look at me," Colleen turned his face towards her, "I know you think none of your family members deserve any of this. They did nothing to you. You are not obliged to give them anything. But, would you be happy if they were suffering?" she asked calmly.

"Aren't you proud of Jett? Your sister? How much have they accomplished in such a short period? Wouldn't it have been possible without Daniel?" Petar supported her.

"Aren't you proud of Jett? Your sister? How much have they accomplished in such a short period? Wouldn't it have been possible without Daniel?" Petar supported her

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"Ok. I agree I owe one for Jett to him. Or two. But, what about my father and mother? I clearly told him not to help them. I wanted money for my productions. You know how many projects I left hanging for want of money. I would have completed Eon if I had this money and started Storytellers 2 much earlier."

"It was all leading exactly there," Colleen said, "he loved your projects. He wanted it big and grand like Escape the night, The Fourth Door, movie quality productions, top notch, much bigger. He needed money for all that."

"Check this," Petar showed him a detailed project report, "the direct money you earned so far is around $3 million. The money which comes from the salon, restaurant, your father's antique shop and the other investments Daniel made are around $15 million," Petar showed him the charts and tried to explain.

"You own the land and the building the restaurant chain operates on. He bought your family home your mother is staying in and the building the salons operate. Plus there are stocks, bonds, and cash deposits. He invested in very promising companies. Your share from the investments alone will become $45 million per annum in two years," Petar kept explaining.

"There is a mortgage on the salons and this house. It cuts your taxes substantially," Petar said, "with this type of money and assets, investors and banks will be competing to put their money into your project. You can easily triple your investment. That means a $100 or $150 million dollar movie. Storytellers, Eon anything you wish could be a movie. A real mega budget movie," Petar said.

"That boy worked like a devil. He worked only to make your dreams come true. He talked to every bank and financial institution in the city. He was building your value steadily," Colleen said.

"Not completely for me. Colleen, you know his contract is different from Petar's. Daniel gets his percentage based on my earnings. The more I earn, the more commission he gets. Even my family members were a pawn in it. Everything was to pay that Lucas," Joey said.

"What about his money? What did he do with it? His commission?" he asked.

"I know he gave a huge donation to that school in Randolph. And he set up an antique shop for your father. It sells the products Daniel personally purchases from his travels. It made very good money. It went into Daniel's private savings," Petar said.

"My father's shop? Bob has a shop? Wasn't he working in the federal government?"

"I mean your biological father's shop," he said.

"He makes much more than the commission. Doesn't he?"

"Joey, why are you so convinced he paid for Lucas? Does it really matter even if he had? You are fighting over a dead man," Colleen asked, "What's bugging you? You are clearly not interested in the money. Joey,  look at me," Colleen held his face within her hands. She saw tears trickling down his eyes.

"I earned for that Idiot. I lived for him. Just seeing him dancing around the house made me feel so contended. I wanted him to be like that, happy, cheerful, shouting at the top of his voice. I didn't want him to struggle or get bothered by anything," Joey said.

 I didn't want him to struggle or get bothered by anything," Joey said

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"I worked so hard so I could give him everything. Every luxury in the life. Only he had the right to enjoy anything I earn. Own. Nobody else. But, he....."Joey fell on Colleen's lap and cried his heart out, "he worked twice as hard as I didn't he? Why? I am a bad boyfriend. I did not notice anything. I did not take good care of him. Is that why he left?" he asked between sobs.

"Oh Joey you were the best," she rubbed his back not knowing what to say, "God bring them together soon. They both clearly need each other."

Next Chapter.... Learn more about Pietro's plan to make Joey and Daniel meet. 

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