70. I Want Him Back

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"What do you mean you know Petar? Since when?" Joey questioned his manager. 

"Since the very first day Joey. You know I interviewed him. I asked his background details and he told me about his family's demise. I can't believe you didn't know," Petar said. 

"This is bullshit. Colleen do you remember our second breakup? He asked me for money in a text message. I saw him in a rehab that day. His father was getting treated there," Joey said. 

"Joey, I was getting treated there. I...fled in the middle. Daniel was with us for two weeks. He told me you  came to see me. But, went away because you were so angry. He showed photos of you both in the rehab," Debbie said. Joey remembered Daniel taking selfie's that day. 

"How do you know mum?" he asked pleadingly. 

"He told us idiot. I believed everything he said. But, Bob always had his doubts. He will say no person working for money will show so much care. He will question him about your public appearance, kissing, vlogs everything," Debbie said. 

"Daniel always said he lost his family abruptly. He is so happy to be with us. He made us believe. He sent us to Canada once. He told us you did not allow him to go there as there was so much work. He did not want the ticket to get wasted. So he booked another one and sent us," Bob said. 

"We saw his house. It looks almost like this one except for the pool. We went to the church his parents were buried. We sent him photos. The diner he worked as a child is a huge hotel now. We stayed there and went to various places," Debbie said. 

"Why didn't he tell me mum? Why? I am a horrible person. Shane was so right. He deserves to live happily without me," Joey cried again. 

"Don't be mad

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"Don't be mad. Call him back. Get together. Make babies. Live happily," Bob patted Joey on his shoulder. 

"Bob....," Joey looked at him surprised. 

"I know what you think Joey. I was homophobic. I thought love can bloom only between a man a woman. But, if this is not love, I don't know what else is," he said. 

"You think you are horrible Joey? Each one of us were. He bought Nicole half dead to me. She will just ignore him like he did not exist. She started talking to him only after he bailed out her boyfriend and bought him to her," Debbie said.

"He paid off all your fathers debt. He gave him a job. He got a new life because of him. Your father never believed you actually earned. He was  very dismissal. Daniel really know how to bend people. Your mother was the epitome of stubbornness," Bob said. 

"You know how many times he will blackmail me into doing things. Such a cry baby. I will always wonder how you are putting up with him. He will lure me with gifts every single time," Debbie laughed. 

"He will treat me exactly like that mom. I got used to doing whatever he says without questioning and waiting for the gifts," Joey said. 

"He only meant good Joey. You and your mother both knew it in your heart. That's why you let him help you. Take care you. You are both unique. Same. Daniel will often say there's no difference between both of you. He will ask me why I stuck to her all these years?" Bob said smiling. 

"Did he? What did you say?" both Debbie and Joey looked at him eagerly. 

"Bring Daniel home and ask him, " Bob smiled. "I will tell you in private dear," he winked at Debbie.

 Joey turned to Petar, "I want to meet him. Book me two tickets. I can't do this alone. I am going with Shane," Joey said. 

"Bad idea," Colleen who had been listening to everything sighed.

"Bad idea," Colleen who had been listening to everything sighed

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"This is the  shittiest idea ever," Colleen said. Debbie and Bob had left. Joey promised his mother he will bring Daniel home, at any cost. 

Joey was getting ready for the flight. Shane had arrived. 

"Excuse me Colleen, are you talking about meeting Daniel or taking me along?" Shane asked. 

"Don't act  innocent. Who on earth with will take their ex to meet with their current lover after a breakup? Let him go alone," Colleen said. 

"And let him hit Joey again? Did you all forget the elevator incident?" Shane mocked. 

"You cannot prevent them fighting even if you try. You are puny. Joey is much stronger than you," Colleen shouted. 

"He was. He just healed from the elevator mishap. And then the London incident. Only the cuts in his hands have healed. The sprains are intact still. I don't think his body will take another attack," Shane said. 

Both Miranda and Petar saw his point. They could not refuse further. 

Shane and Joey left shortly. "Why do you want to meet him now? Did you forget all I said last week?" Shane demanded on their way to the airport. 

"He has no family Shane. I am the only one. Where will he go?" Joey wept. 

"I meant Chris and his family. I had no idea you don't know about his parents demise. Have you ever talked to him like a normal person instead of riling him or complaining?" Shane kindled Joey's guilt. 

"What do you intend on doing now?" he asked. 

"I don't know. I just want to see him. Ask him why he didn't tell me all these days?" Joey replied.

"You are a terrible listener Joey. You never listened to Daniel and now me. You bringing him back will only complicate things further for Daniel," Shane said. 

"I wont hurt him Shane. I never have. Believe me. Let him do whatever he wants. We will be in an open relationship. I got a huge singing contract. I will hire help for everything. He need not move his finger. Just let him be with me," Joey pleaded. 

"Do you seriously think he will agree to come? After all your insults? Only I know you did it for his good. It still means missing his brother," Shane said. 

"Ethan said they threw Daniel out of the house when he was sixteen. If Daniel can go back to his brother, he can come back here. I know Chris was his favorite family member. But,...you know I even wondered once why they named Chris's son Anton. I understand only now," Joey cried again. 

"You lazy, selfish brat. I know why you are dragging me with you now. If Daniel asks why you insulted him in the house, you will say it was all my idea,"  Shane hit him playfully. 

"Danny wont refuse Shane. I will give him his dream job. Let him manage my recording contracts completely. He loves music. I will pay him ten times more than his current job. I will not let him out of my sight for one single minute. I will pamper him rotten he will never think about his family again," Joey leaned on Shane's shoulder and sighed. 

"You were already doing that fool. That's why Daniel never had the need to talk to you about his past. I have to find a way to sabotage you both meeting. Don't worry. I will make sure you both are over. No more Janiel," Shane smiled thinking within himself.

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