21. Janiel Goals

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"He did not talk a word to me when I went home. He threw me out like trash. He did not even give me a chance to explain," Daniel said drinking.

"But, you went back the very next day didn't you?" Pietro asked.

"Yes. Lucas died on Wednesday afternoon. It was terrible. I seriously believed he will live at least for the next two or three months. Chris arranged a Wake for him that night. I had to go and meet his attorney and other important people. He had declared me as his heir. His Will stated I would be allowed to do his cremation rituals only if I accepted the inheritance," Daniel slouched on the couch and Pietro took his head into his lap.

"I saw the news about our breakup in the Thursday papers. I was beyond shocked. I went home after the cremation. But, he did not talk to me. He shut the door on my face. He pushed me out when I needed him most," Daniel controlled his tears.

"Selfish bugger," Pietro said.

"No. Joey is the best lover. Headstrong. But, definitely the best. You know he is older than me by a year. But he is very mature. I act childishly sometimes like dancing drunk that day in the Rosewood hotel. But, he will manage somehow."

"Want to do it now?" Pietro asked trying to change the subject.

"Dance? Why not? Will you join me?"

"I am terrible at this. Can't match you."

"You can't be terrible at anything with these looks. Come on join me. Pick a song," Daniel pushed his mobile to him.

He took the mobile and saw the background picture, "you both look like a real couple in this picture. Like my mom and dad. Grim and sad."

"Yeah. We had a fight. I was not in good mood. It was a simple react to video session. Lots of other YouTubers also participated. We were the only gay couple. I saw a video of a dog dying and started to cry. Usually, he will be the vulnerable one. I bragged I won't cry and did not last five minutes. He was stunned. Tried to console me."

"What happened then?"

"There was another reaction video. We had to identify the songs hearing it for a few seconds. Joey has the worst memory. I am obsessed with music. But, he won easily. I couldn't even believe. I was dumbstruck. I walked out furiously leaving him behind."

"He came after you?"

"No. I remembered all the time I teased him and yet he was the one to deliver. It was a silly competition. I couldn't even bear a small blip. My ego was hurt. I felt terrible after some time. I said sorry."

"That was so sweet."

"That happened after a day. He was patient till I apologized to him. Did not come and talk to me. Kept leaving small treats for me all over the house. In the kitchen, in the couch, in the refrigerator, on my laptop."

"What treats?" Pietro asked. It was getting interesting now.

"Chocolates, Cheetos, Chester packet, even flowers."

"You slept alone?"

"We were in the same bed. But, we did not talk or touch each other. My anger was gone by morning. I prepared an elaborate breakfast by the time he woke up, collected flowers from our garden and was waiting by the bedside for him to wake up."

"That's really the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Daniel, l love you, man. Your boyfriend was lucky."

"I am the lucky one to get him. He woke up, saw me and gave the most angelic smile ever. I gave him the flowers and said sorry. He said he doesn't want my sorry."

"Oh my God! You got furious again?"

"Yes. I did. But, he explained. He said he was very hurt when I left him behind and walked out of the camera. Others had made fun of him. Us. They had said this is what will happen if two men are in a relationship."

"He told me he did not want my apology. He would have been happy if I had won," Daniel remembered Joey's words exactly and repeated them to Pietro.

"I am sorry. I got a little competitive. I don't want to prove anything winning you Daniel. You are my best trophy. My blessing. And I don't want you to act like that any time in the future. I won't fight with you if you do it again. But, I will be very hurt and sad. I am sure you won't like that."

"No. I won't. I promise. I don't want to hurt you."

"I know. Neither me nor you are going to be happy even if the other one is slightly uncomfortable. Be with me always pig. Be for me. That's all I want."

Pietro was amazed now. How mature! He did not lose his self-respect, dignity. He did not beg or fight. But, made his point crystal clear in the most loving way possible. How much trust he should have had on Daniel to do this! Daniel and Joey were goals. Ideal couple.

Next Chapter .... Nick and Pietro unleash their passion. 

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New twists lining up. Keep reading. Keep voting. Keep commenting. 

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