71. Pietro's Project - Changing the World

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Pietro went through the contract Nick and Daniel had drafted again. Siena Esposito's company Mindtree wanted to use Pietro's algorithm to enhance the function of battery cars.

"My research is about steam turbine blade design. I discovered new methods for improving the low pressure (LP) turbine design. I suggested new inverse design methods to optimise last stage blade (LSB) design which will operate through wet steam," P said getting all serious.

"I know. I am not very much into technicality. But, your Swirl based Inverse method is considered groundbreaking," Daniel said.

"They will be useful in coal plants and nuclear plants. At the most, it can be used to optimize aircraft turbines. How will it help the automobile industry?" Pietro asked.

"Your inverse design helps in improving the electricity generation and tackle design problems of overly huge blades. Mindtree engineers are confident your base theory can be applied to electric cars too." 

"Their efficiency can be improved enormously using your theories

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"Their efficiency can be improved enormously using your theories. We will have cars which move four to five times faster than the diesel ones consuming just electricity from solar batteries," Daniel said.

"Is it still in testing phase?" P asked.

"It is done P. That's why Nick waited so long to tell you. Electric is the future automobile industry. Besides, your algorithm has a way to automate the speed of turbines based on the air velocity. The same principle can be used to make the cars take decisions automatically like judging routes, preventing collisions etc," Daniel said.

"Daniel I just drew a line. All this will take mighty long time," Pietro said.

"Well Edison did not invent electricity to charge smart phones or power computers. Did he? Every new discovery will be used in numerous ways within the next few years," Daniel said smiling. 

P came near him and hugged him from the behind placing his head on Daniel's shoulders. Daniel remembered doing this to Joey every single day.

"This is big isn't it?" he asked nervously.

"Bloody damn big. We are talking about Google like, Apple like big. Your discovery will rule the automobile world for the next twenty years. You will be as rich as Larry Page and Sergey Brin by the time you are 35."

"Perhaps they will give you a big award in Physics or maths or something. You deserve it. You have toiled day and night for six full years to discover this," Daniel said patting his hand in an assuring way.

"Did Nick invest much into it?" Pietro asked again.

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