64. You are my Everything - Joey's Love

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The book writing started the very next day with Joey lying face down on his couch pillow.

"Will you start or not?" Daniel asked waiting with the voice recorder.

"Where to start?" Joey asked.

"Talk about your childhood," Daniel said.

"I did a full video series on that. Story time for every school grade," Joey said.

"Talk about your parents, friends," Daniel did not give up.

"I did it in Draw my life video. Everything that needs to be told is already said."

"Joey, what was your favourite food as a child? What will your mother cook best?" Daniel started.

"My mum.....she will be drunk. She won't cook," Joey said looking up.

"Come on. What did you eat daily then?"

"My father paid money in a bakery. Nicole and I will go there and take our breakfast, lunch whatever," Joey said.

"So you never went grocery shopping with your mom?" Daniel asked again.

"Actually I did," Joey sat up now beaming with excitement. "We will shop elaborately. I will buy her a gift every time we go there. Flowers, bakery items or something. We will buy everything we want. But, the card will be rejected. My mother will pretend to have another one. But, the truth is we were broke. But, we never worried about it," Joey said smiling. Daniel started to record.

"Seems interesting. Was she strict?" Daniel made him talk.

"Not at all. She will ground me for a week. But, she will come to my room the very same day and say I can go out. She will put on her favourite music and dance with me in her hips....," Joey kept talking.

"She seems like a great person. Let's go and visit her sometime. What about this weekend?" Daniel asked.

"They don't like me Daniel. Besides, I am scared," Joey said.

"What do you mean scared? Who on earth gets scared to meet their family?" Daniel raised his voice as usual.


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"Me. You don't know anything. She will say I am her prince in the morning. I can do anything I want. Ride the unicorn through the stars and make every wish come true. And I was so dumb. I will believe everything she says. And then I will come home in the evening and she will be fully drunk," Joey hid his face in his knees.

"She will blame me for all her problems. She will say I am a fit for nothing loser. Our dad left her only because of my clumsiness. I will never succeed in anything I do. I am messy, crazy and her lifelong burden. I will never get a job or have a life," Joey's shoulders shook. He was crying.

"Sweetie, I am sure she did not mean anything she said. Alcohol can make people do weird things," Daniel tried helplessly to console him.

"I was eight Danny. I was exposed to these alternate messages every single day for nearly ten years. She will hold me tight, look into my eyes straight and say these things to me. She will tell me I was the source of all her bad luck. She will ask me why she got the worst son ever. I don't know. Maybe, God gave me to her because she will be good in the morning," Joey said innocently.

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