5. Missing Daniel

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Joey got up rather irritated. The clock showed 7.30. A.M. Wolf and Storm were howling to let them out. He rubbed his burning eyes and opened the room. He went downstairs with them to open the back door. His head hurt. He was not used to waking up so early.

 He was not used to waking up so early

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He slumped into the couch. Someone was at the door in five minutes. It was the landscaping company. Usually, Daniel will take care of all this. Now he had to answer everything. He felt hungry. He made a tea and dug the fridge for anything edible.

"Oh! Shit. There is nothing to eat." Joey was never a morning person. He usually skipped breakfast and lived on eggs, noodles and other fast food items. He was addicted to drinking tea. But, everything changed after Daniel. He will never allow him to skip breakfast whatsoever. He will make Joey eat whenever he wakes up, even if it was 10 O'clock in the morning.

Joey's food habits had changed drastically after they started living together. There were healthy foods on the table and fruits were compulsory. Juices, greens, meat, Daniel closely monitored what he ate. He took pride in presenting well-decorated food, be it simple oatmeal or an elaborately prepared duck roast. Joey never opposed anything. He never asked for anything in particular. He was so proud Daniel took such a good care of him.

Joey had hardly cooked twice or thrice in the two years they stayed together to surprise Daniel

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Joey had hardly cooked twice or thrice in the two years they stayed together to surprise Daniel. Daniel will arrange for a good restaurant to deliver Joey's food when he was away.

Joey found the restaurant's number written in Daniel's contact diary. He called them and made arrangements for them to supply food for the next full month.

Joey always teased him about writing the numbers in a diary when he had mobile.

"It is a backup. What if I lose the phone? You can't always rely on digital things. There has to be a physical copy," Daniel said.

The diary had everything in it. Laundry service, dry cleaning, landscapers, pool cleaning, puppy sitter and all other important numbers were written neatly beside their name and address in alphabetical order. Joey ran his hands across the pages and kissed it. It was Daniels handwriting.

He remembered the first love letter Daniel gave him. It had the same beautiful handwriting. It was after a break up too. It was four pages long. Daniel had written his thoughts about Joey for the past two months they had been apart in the letter. Every word seemed like it came from his heart. Joey fell in love with him again before he had finished the first page.  Joey treasured that letter more than his life. They got together after the first breakup. What will happen now? Will he write a love letter for me still?

Joey felt disgusted suddenly. "Love letter, roses, food, taking care of the house everything was to cheat me. How did I believe everything? I hate myself. I let myself be fooled once. Not again. I won't fall for the rogue again, even if he writes a love diary this time," he thought. 

Next Chapter.... Daniel's past haunts him. Pietro's fondness for Daniel grows. 

To all Janiel fans, 

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