78. Just Too Real

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This chapter is dedicated to JUSTTOOREAL for showing constant support throughout the story. Thank you JUSTTOOREAL. Your comments and votes meant a world to me. 

Nick went to make arrangements to shift Daniel to another hospital. James was taken under custody. Sean went to testify against James.

P and Joey came out of Daniel's room. Joey took P's hands and held it to his eyes.

"You are really a God send angel P. Thank you. Thank you for everything," he cried his heart out.

"Joey relax. I didn't do anything. Daniel earned me millions. I am practically at the top of the world now because of him," P said.

"I understand how Daniel should have felt when he saw Lucas that day P. I understand completely. I thought he cheated me. I hated him. But, seeing him sick killed me. Literally. My Danny. He had the same feelings for Lucas. Seeing him like that distorted and alone in the hospital should have shaken him to the core," Joey said.

"Yes. Joey. I am glad you understand. You know Daniel better than any of us. You performed a miracle there," P said.

"He would have searched me P. Daniel would not have understood anything till Lucas's death. But, he would have searched me the minute he recovered. He came back the very next day. God! I threw him out of the house," Joey said.

"Joey, it's OK. Everything is alright now. You both are together," P said.

"My child. My pig would have longed for me. Ached for me. Been desperate for me. But, I drove him out every single time. Thanks to you Daniel is alive. But, Lucas died. I couldn't even imagine how much pain Daniel felt. That's why every single message he sent was about Lucas. He tried to talk to me only about him every time we met. God! I was a monster," Joey cried profusely.

"Daniel's therapist says he never talks about Lucas

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"Daniel's therapist says he never talks about Lucas. He never even mentioned him to any of us. It was always Joey, Joey, Joey," P said.

"I will make him talk now. Let him talk all he wants, about Lucas, about his family about anything he wants. I won't prevent him even if he gets sad. Start crying. I won't divert the topic. I will listen. I was the worst boyfriend in the world," Joey wept again.

"Joey, Daniel has a hundred friends. We are all there to lend shoulders if he wants to cry. But, only you make him laugh. You make him forget his pain. Rile him. Make him snatch his hair. You know when I realized you really love him? When you said there was a child inside him."

"We all know only the brilliant Danny. Well mannered Danny. But, he can be a child with you. Be adamant with you. Demand you to do things. You took such a good care of that child. Don't change. Be as you are. Daniel adores you. You are really the best boyfriend in the world for him," P said.

 You are really the best boyfriend in the world for him," P said

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