15. Daniel meets a Fan

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"You should get enough rest. Do not cook. Don't go near the pool. I will be back in the afternoon. Call Sanders in security if you want anything. James will be in his first-floor clinic. Take rest. Don't play too much with Maya. She runs around like crazy."

"Pietro, Pietro, Pietro," Daniel caught both his cheeks and pinched them with love, "I won't burn down the house. Be rest assured."

Daniel waved goodbye to Pietro and locked the door with a smile. It was just two days and he already felt like he had known Pietro for ages. It was a fresh Monday morning. Daniel couldn't help wonder what Joey will be doing. He called Petar.

"Yes. I got my certificates. Finally. I don't know what to say. Lucas had it all along. He did not want me to get any high profile job using my contacts. He feared I will trace him somehow. He wanted to keep me far away from everyone we knew, together. Yes. Pietro is adorable. He is very kind. And thank you for stocking all my creams and fragrances. What? You did not buy them. Ok. Maybe Pietro did," Daniel said thoughtfully.

Petar wondered what to say. He knew how hard Daniel tried to get his certificates. He went to Boston every possible chance he got and barged around the college trying to get a duplicate copy of his certificates. Now he has them. He could land any luxurious job he wanted. But, will he live long enough to do all that.

Petar contacted Daniel's brother the minute Pietro called him asking for his medical records. Dr. Preda was shocked to know his brother's condition. He wanted to check him in person. He gave Petar Daniel's certificates. Lucas had left them in his possession. Petar arranged them properly, marveling his excellent academic records. He was the one who asked Dr. Preda to take it with him, in case Pietro asks for them.

"How is Joey?" the question he was waiting came out at last.

"He is doing perfectly fine Daniel. Comes to the shoots regularly. Updates videos. Plays his games."

"Is he taking his PTSD medicine? His face looked gargantuan in yesterday's vlog."

"I don't know. I will ask him."

Daniel cut the call after a few minutes. Petar went to Joey checking the graphic designs for his Storytellers project.

"Joey, Daniel called. There is a situation."

"Don't Petar," Joey waved his hands sternly, "Don't talk another word. I have a life to live."

"And his is practically ending there...."

"I don't care if he goes to the grave. Let me do my work."

Petar stood there helplessly watching Joey carry on with his work like nothing ever happened. 

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Daniel heard the calling bell ringing as soon as he cut his call with Petar. He opened the door wondering whether it was any of Pietro's friends.

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