2. Missing Each Other

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"Wolf, Storm, get into the bed now," Joey commanded.

Storm barked, refusing to budge and Wolf was sniffing his laptop expectantly. Joey knew exactly what to do. He opened the laptop and played a recorded video chat. Daniel was talking to the trio from Puerto Rico on the video. The dogs saw him, heard his voice, felt he addressed them directly and went to their respective beds happily.

He fell into the bed exhausted. "They should really miss him," he got up and pulled Daniel's trench coat from the closet. He hugged it tight and fell on the bed again. It smelled just like him.

"Hell. I miss him too," he taught, "treacherous pig. How dare he cheat me right under my nose? He was in contact with his ex all along. How did I let this happen? I trusted him with everything I had. Never questioned him. And in return, he cheated me. He had been in touch all along. He never stopped calling or sending cards. Paid for his boyfriend's treatment with my money," his thoughts reeled.

"I am his boyfriend," he corrected himself, "he was an ex. Actually, I am his ex now. No. Daniel is my ex."

Wolf jumped upon him and looked at him quizzically. "No. I am not mad. Not yet. I was just talking to myself," he hugged him lovingly, "at least I have you. Please don't cheat me. Don't leave me," Joey started crying. Somewhere in his mind, he knew he was secretly pleading to Daniel.

Awaiting a New Beginning 

"Please Petar. You have to do this to me. I just can't stay here. There is press everywhere," Daniel said.

"I know Daniel. You are not just my client. You are one of my best friends. I canceled your entire schedule for the next three months," he said thoughtfully.

He wondered how life changed within four days. Daniel and Joey came to this hospital for a charity event. Petar, Joey's manager had arranged it himself. Daniel spotted his ex-boyfriend there and all hell broke loose.

The ex-boyfriend was in the last stage of his life. His face was deformed beyond distinguishing. But, Daniel identified him. He identified him in a moment looking at his eyes. It was only later Petar understood Daniel's brother was a chief doctor in the hospital. He had arranged for the event and invited Daniel and Joey on purpose so that Lucas could have one last look at him. Nobody really expected Daniel to identify Lucas.

Daniel became emotional hugging and crying Lucas while the hospital staff complimented him for arranging such a high-class treatment for Lucas, sending him flowers, cards, gifts and wishes constantly. It seemed Lucas had bragged to them enough about Daniel.

Joey was thunderstruck. The fact that Daniel's brother did all the treatment got interpreted as Daniel arranging for treatment. Nevertheless, Daniel had called Lucas often to check on him and did send him gifts and cards. But, Joey did not know Lucas had cut all contacts from Daniel and only wished for the couple to stay happy.

"He still calls his first-grade friend for his birthday. He reminds me of my marriage day every year. He is the queen of giving gifts. No wonder, he did the same to his ex-boyfriend. But who will explain all this to Joey?"

Petar knew Joey too well to endure his wrath. Joey was infuriated. He did not know Lucas was about to die. He just heard he was taking treatment for Herpes arranged by Daniel and they both were in touch still. It was enough for him to demand Daniel to choose either him or Lucas.

Daniel chose Lucas and Joey broke up with him then and there in front of the media. Daniel made Petar cancel all his appointments for the next three months hoping to stay with Lucas in his last days. But, Lucas died in just two days happily cuddled in Daniel's embrace.

The press was making Daniel's life miserable. Paparazzi followed him everywhere demanding why they broke up. Daniel did not breathe a word about Lucas or his disease to the outer world. Even Joey did not know Lucas had died.

"I am in no mood to work. I cannot do modeling. Not now. My first love just died and the second one is ready to kill me. I cannot forgive myself for not finding out earlier. Arrange something to keep me engaged Petar. I don't mind if I do gardening or repair cars. I need to stay away from media and in a place that doesn't remind me of Joey."

Next Chapter.... Daniel flies off to London. Will he ever come back?

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