62. Desperate for Daniel

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Joey was alone in the house after Ethan and his men had left. He felt extremely vulnerable. He was touched by Daniel's actions. He saw all the costly things Ethan had listed. He wondered how he lived there oblivious of their existence.

Joey remembered coming to this house for the first time. Daniel was finding it hard to commute to the office and Joey's place. He kept insisting Joey to move. Joey wanted an independent house. They saw a number of rental properties. Daniel liked this house particularly.

"It is exactly like our house back in Toronto. We had a garden instead of a pool. That's the only difference," he said emotionally. Joey agreed to rent the house immediately. But, they had to wait a few months before its residents vacated it.

Joey became quite smitten with Daniel in the meantime. Daniel did not come to the office one day. He did not pick up his mobile. Joey lost patience and drove to his place. Daniel was living with four other girls there. It was the first time he went into the house though he had dropped Daniel there sometimes.

The girl who opened the door giggled looking at Joey, "your boyfriend is sick. He has high fever. He went to the doctor with Irene," she informed. Joey waited in Daniel's room till he came. He saw his mobile on charge in his room. It was in silent mode.

"That's why the bugger didn't pick up," he thought. It was an very small room. Daniel returned with extremely high temperature. His face was flushed and his body was shivering. Joey felt like his heart was stabbed.

"I told you not to eat too much cookies for Easter. You call me a kid. Look at you now. Who will do all the work?" he shouted. Daniel closed his eyes too tired to argue.

Irene woke him up to give him medicines and food. Daniel was in semi-conscious state for the next two days. Joey stayed beside him all the three days. He changed into Daniel's clothes. The girls kept calling him to come out, watch television and chat with them.

"You can't even stretch your legs in that room. Just come out. He will be fine," they insisted. But, Joey did not leave Daniel for a moment.

Daniel talked to him only once in all those three days. He saw Joey's face whenever he opened his eyes.

"Go home," he said, "I am going to Canada. I will come to office on Monday."

"You are not going anywhere. Just rest," Joey said sternly.

"I am going to Canada. I informed Petar. Book a flight for me," Daniel pleaded.

"Shut up Danny. I am not sending you anywhere like this. That's final," Joey commanded again. He expected Daniel to snap back as usual. But, he just gave up and sunk into the bed too tired to argue.

"You understand now. Don't you?" he mumbled.

"Understand what?" Joey asked confused.

"How I feel when you hurt yourself?" Daniel dozed off again due to his medications.

Joey was stunned for a moment. It hurt to see Daniel in pain. He will feel the same way to see me in pain. But why? What is happening? Why do I feel like this? It is just fever. He will be alright. But, he didn't even scold me. Argue with me. Joey felt so desperate for Daniel that moment. He was so near and yet so far.

He did something he hadn't done in years. He knelt in that small room beside Daniel's bed and prayed with tears in his eyes. "Please God, make him yell at me. I will offer everything I have to you. I just want to hear him shout at me again."


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