18. Janiel - Tangled in Love

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The whole graphics team stood up and applauded in amazement looking at the new Storyteller's graphics requirement presentation. Joey had designed a short trailer highlighting what he expected, personally. He had given precise instructions on what he wants for each scene.

"I am very impressed," Mr. Carlson the head of Magna – the company that was assigned to do the graphics work for the project said to Joey, "you are very knowledgeable. Your talent is equivalent to top industry technicians. Which school did you go?"

"Um... Marlborough High School," Joey said.

"I mean... where did you learn graphics?" Mr. Carlson asked.

"I learned on my own," Joey said.

Mr. Carlson gave a disdainful look. His eyes clearly said, "So you are an amateur."

Petar interfered and moved him away. Joey sighed. "What is it with these rich people? They always give importance to degrees rather than talent. After all, I am the one giving the project to his company. Only if Daniel had been here....."

Nobody spoke to Daniel with contempt. It was his personality. It demanded respect automatically. And he ensured nobody messed with Joey. Only he took the liberty to hurt Joey.

Petar came to Joey after the meeting, "Mr. Carlson was beyond impressed. You have given precise instructions on what you want for the project and how to get it done. The team is very enthusiastic to work with you. Mr. Carlson asked whether you could be the creative advisor of his upcoming projects?"

"Is he offering me a job in his company?" Joey asked confused.

"Actually he asked whether you would be his working partner sharing profits. He is very impressed with your creative skills."

"Petar you know where all this will lead. That man considers me as an amateur. They only want my ideas. Their team will clearly overlook my technical expertise, which will highly irk me. They will work only their way."

"Magna is an upcoming company doing a number of Hollywood projects. I still can't believe Daniel made them agree to take up our project. This is a chance you cannot miss. Imagine your name in the title of top-notch films, real films and the money... we are talking about tripling, quadrupling your earnings.... God, I need Daniel here."

"Petar, can I ask you something?" Joey's voice indicated Petar was in trouble.

"How would you feel if you went out with your wife and came back alone because she chose to go away with her ex?"

Petar did not know what to say.

"Answer me," Joey asked sternly.

"I would feel terrible," Petar agreed.

"Exactly. That is how I feel. I don't want you mentioning Daniel anytime in the future. Is that clear?"

Petar nodded a yes.

"And regarding Mr. Carlson's offer. This will not work out. I am well off working on my own than with a team. A team of educated intellectuals is my last choice. Let us stick to finishing the current two projects. I only have 24 hours in a day," Joey said.     



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