47. Joey wants Daniel Back

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Joey looked at the time. It was still midday. For some reason, he missed Daniel terribly that day. "It is not even four days since you last saw him. And it already seems like an eon," he cursed himself. He collected the car keys and headed out.

"Where are you going Joey?" Petar asked. There was a ton of work to be completed. Escape the Night 2 was a very grand success. Joey was still doing its promotional activities full-fledged and working on releasing his Storytellers 2 within the next ten days. He hardly had time to breathe.

"I will be back in an hour or two. We will continue then," Joey said. He drove to Anton's school.

The security refused to let him in. "Only the children's parents or guardians can get in," he insisted.

"Listen, the school asked me to do a show here. I am here to check the venue," Joey blabbered something. Another security identified him, "he is a celebrity. My kids watch him always. This guy is on the billboard. Let him in," he said.

Joey went straight to the office, "I want to meet Anton Christopher Preda from...." he wondered which class he would be in.

"How are you related to him? Why do you want to meet him?" the lady in the enquiry asked. Joey blinked. What to say? I am in love with his uncle and miss him terribly. I came to see him because he reminds me of him. I can't say that. They will think I am mad.

The women stood up and came out of the office. "Come with me," she led Joey to the kindergarten block. "I know Dr. Christopher Preda," she said, "he looks exactly like Daniel."

"You know Daniel?" Joey asked curiously.

"Of course. I am your fan. You are here because you miss Daniel. Aren't you?" the lady asked. Joey did not answer. He looked away to control the tears. She left him in the kids play area and went to Anton's class. Anton came running to him in a few minutes. Joey lifted him with love. He kissed Joey all over his face just like Daniel.

"Half an hour Joey. I will be in the office," she left them alone. Joey and Anton played to their hearts fill for the next half an hour. Joey gave him piggy back rides, made him use the swing, slide and various other playthings. They looked at the flowers in the garden and chased pigeons. Anton's baby voice and childish antics made Joey forget all his worries.

The lady came back in half an hour, "Joey, it is time. The next class will start. He should be there for attendance," she said.

Joey let the child go halfheartedly. He thanked the lady. "Thank you. You don't know how much it means to me..." he stuttered emotionally.

"We do Joey. Not just me. All the eight million fans do. Never think you are alone. We are all there for you," she said. Joey felt grateful.

"I am the luckiest person on earth to have you guys as my fans," he said hugging her.

Going to London

"I am bringing him home no matter what. I can't bear this loneliness," Joey said to Shane. They were having dinner together. Shane looked at the WBFF European Championship tickets Mr. Woods had given Joey.

"You have to come with me Shane. I can't handle him alone," Joey pleaded.

"I will. But, think again. Are you really ready to forgive him? What if he cheats again?"

"I miss him so much. I just can't live without him. I will agree for an open relationship. Let him go with whomever he wants. But, I still want him by my side," Joey said crying.

"How the mighty have fallen," Shane said, "you were talking all independent just before two days to Meghan and Cat."

"I miss him. I just can't move on. It hurts a lot. Something doesn't feel right," Joey said.

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