77. Joey's Miracle

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"What happened? Is Danny hurt?" Joey asked nervously. Brandon's men freed Mr. Woods tied up in another room. 

"Joey, why didn't you attack the men in the mall? They attacked me from behind. But, I saw you surrendering without fight," Mr. Woods asked. 

"I wanted to know who was behind all this. I wanted to finish this once for all. That's why I came here," Joey kicked Mr. Morrison, lying unconscious on the floor. "He even turned Shane against me. Colleen always said Shane is extremely jealous of my success and not to trust him," Joey said. 

"Women have sixth sense," Mr. Woods agreed. Joey took out P's camera necklace from his neck and gave it to Brandon,  "everything Mr. Morrison talked is recorded here. Hand him over to the police. There is evidence in this for one flight crash, one attempted flight crash and a cold blooded murder. Whoever did this cannot escape," Joey said. 

"When did you get this?" Mr. Woods asked surprised. "P told me he saw me eating the pills through the camera in this necklace and was showing me how to operate it. The flight landed and you both got down holding the dogs. I just wore it around my neck and got down," Joey said. 

"You planned all this?" Brandon asked disbelievingly. "Yes. I riled Mr. Morrison and made him talk purposely.  I did not inhale the chloroform. I only acted to see what was coming. I freed my hands in two minutes. I switched the camera on when no one noticed," Joey said. 

"Joey plays the flute regularly. He has great breath control," Mr. Woods said proudly. 

"What happened to Danny?" Joey asked tensed. Brandon started to explain. 


In Pietro's house.....

"Everything you said was right Mr. Bateman. I was a fool. He never trusted me and never will. I agree for the lobotomy. Do it as quickly as possible. Do it today itself if possible," Daniel cried. 

"Danny don't be mad. Joey might be in danger. He loves you," P said. 

"That's what I thought. That's what I wanted to believe. Three full years. Everything erased in just one evening. This is not love. This is just ego," Daniel said fuming with anger. 

"Daniel, wait for two more days. We will find out what happened to Joey," Sean said. 

"Two days, two months, two years. I can wait forever Sean. But, nothing is going to change. Why didn't he call me? I thought I knew him more than anybody else. I was wrong. Petar was right. He wont change his mind for anything. Please let me live my life," Daniel pleaded. 

"I told him not to call you. I was afraid he will snap again if you talk about Lucas or ..... say something. I just wanted you both to meet and talk when we were all there to stay on safer side. Just wait till we find him. I will talk to him once more...," 

"P.....don't you ever go begging to him again. What do you think I am?" Daniel shouted in anger.

"Danny cool down. Joey might be harmed," Nick said. 

"He is not a child Mr. Bateman. He is a trained Krav Maga fighter. He is perfectly capable of defending himself. If Joey did not come, it is because of his free will. Nothing else. I can't bear this pain. Please put me out of it," Daniel cried. 

"Danny, I too thought Joey did not love you. But, he popped pills today. Attempted suicide. It was God's grace P went there. He saved him," Nick said. Daniel looked up perplexed. 

"And Wolf too. He was the one who found out," P said rubbing Wolf's back with love. 

"What..... are you saying?" Daniel's voice shook. 

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