31. Was it a Mistake?

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"What do you mean you are not coming?" Daniel asked.

"I missed the morning workouts. I will drop you in Soul and head to the gym. You talk with Nick. I will be back in time for the team meeting."

"Don't you want to see the proposal?"

"I can't be there when you unite with your boyfriend," Pietro cursed within himself, "you are going to present it in the meeting anyway. I will check it then."

Daniel said ok. "There will be no meeting. You will shoot with your boyfriend straight to LA before I come back," Pietro thought.

"Why did this boy have to come when I called? Why did he have to be this kind? Hell which of my friends have ever cared to buy me lunch all these years? He is practically Kiera doing everything for me before I ask. And he will go now," Pietro's mind was filled with numerous thoughts.

"Why don't I take that Veneno and hit that Joey flat? At least there will be one use for that car. How did it get this serious? We could have just had fun making out together and he could have managed my phone calls. That's all I needed," Pietro wondered.

"What a mess I have gotten myself into? Sean said it was a bad idea making them meet. Why do I always use my brain for the wrong things?"

His anger showed in his workout. He was pushing himself harder and harder. His coach was noticing it. Pietro was one of his favorite students. Working out was his addiction. He was quite frustrated when Nick left abruptly. Besides, he was celibate for a week taking care of Daniel. He has been unleashing all the frustration in the gym for the past week.

"Pietro, do you have any plans to take part in ProAm this year?"

"No Shaun. I am booked for the year. I don't have time to practice for the competition."

"It is not necessary at all for you. Your regular workouts are much more vigorous than the competition preparators. It is just enough if you alter your diet slightly for a fortnight."

"Shaun. You know why I quit. I am not going back."

"These issues will arise every year. Man up P. Your body is gaining healthy weight. What have you been eating lately?"

 What have you been eating lately?"

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"Everything. I hired an assistant. He is a great cook too. Fills me up with all things Italian."

"I will talk to him then. Make your diet low carb and protein rich."

"Sure. I will. But, please don't force me to the competition." Pietro was very respectful. Shaun liked his old school ways a lot. The coach had known him for a decade and had seen his body develop muscle by muscle.

Pietro sighed as he took his motorbike. No Daniel. No assistant. No more nothing. He went into the Soul office and saw Daniel chatting with the receptionist. He came to him all smiles.

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