63. Joey's First Book

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Television and films were very scarce for Daniel when he grew up as he did not have much time. Joey introduced him to lot of shows and movies.

"Never heard about Game of Thrones? Hadn't even seen on single Harry Potter movie? Which planet are you from mister Preda?" he will go on and on all day, riling Daniel enough. But, he will sit with him and explain everything as the movie unfolds very patiently.

Daniel loved to hear stories from him. "Your face expressions are wonderful. I feel like hearing stories from my grandparents," Daniel will say.

"That's what I am. A storyteller," Joey will say.

Daniel got him a book contract to write a book keeping this in mind. But, Joey opposed vehemently.

"Are you mad?" Joey yelled at Daniel at the top of his voice when he heard about the proposal.

"No," the answer came from Daniel with utmost coldness.

"Do you even know what you are doing?" Joey shouted again.

"Of course I do. I have been chasing the Keywords Press for months to get this contract," Daniel said.

"Petar, is he mad?" Joey turned to his manager for support.

"No Joey. You can do it. Zoe released her book last year. Tyler is going to release his soon. You can't leave your fan's hanging," Petar said.

"Zoe's English is fantastic. She is British. Tyler has a degree in social media marketing. They know the trick of the trade," Joey protested.

"You can do it too. It is not so herculean," Daniel cut in.

"Daniel, did you even listen to anything I told you in the Swiz resort? I can't even spell properly. I can't sit in a place for half an hour without fidgeting. Let alone sit and write pages," Joey said.

"Joey, you play those stupid video games for hours at a stretch. This will be much easier," Daniel said.

"I use the joystick there you idiot. It will take me a full day to type two paragraphs," Joey pleaded.

"You don't need to type. I got a dictation software. Just talk into the camera or a voice recorder like you usually do. It will transcribe automatically into words. I will proofread and send it to the editors."

"He is right Joey. Think about your name topping the New York Times Bestseller list. You can buy this house. It is worth the effort," Petar said.

"New York Times Bestseller list? Buying this house? Do you have any idea how many millions it costs? You both are crazy. Who do you think will buy my book?" Joey asked perplexed.

"Five million psychopaths following you will buy it. Now sign this," Daniel spread the contract in front of him.

"Danny, wait. I can't do this. I was the last bencher in school. I hate books. I hate reading. Of all the things in the world, I can't write a book," Joey pleaded.

"Come on sweetie. It is not so hard. I will make you do it. Sign it," Daniel said again.

"Damn you will. Who is publishing it? What do we do for marketing? What is the investment? Where is the ROI forecast?" Joey started talking business. He was clearly irritated. Petar started giving Joey the details and he jumped in anger.

"A world tour? You both want me to travel the world to market my book. Who is going to pay for all this? This project is clearly going to be a failure. We will lose every single penny," Joey shouted again.

"Joey, trust me a bit. I won't lose your money like that," Daniel's voice cracked. His face became quite sad. That was the cue. Joey will fall for that face no matter what. It was his weakness, vulnerability.

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