28. Joey and Daniel - Alone in the Elevator

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Pietro, Daniel, and Giorgio came to the Mondrian Hotel for dinner.

"I have to meet one client here in the rooftop bar," Pietro said, "you two have fun here. I will call you once he leaves. We can have dinner."

"I want to come with you," Giorgio said, "I want to see it all from the top. I won't disturb you, promise."

"You can come after fifteen minutes and see everything you want. Stay with Daniel now," Pietro winked at his brother secretly.

"I am perfectly Ok P. Just take him. I will wait in the reception. Call me when you are done," Daniel said.

"You will be meeting the client if the deal gets Ok anyway. It is just the first meeting," Pietro said moving into the elevator with his brother.

He set to work immediately unscrewing the destination control panel and fixing a jammer device behind it.

"So we can control when the elevator will stop and move now with the remote?" Giorgio asked excitedly.

"Yes, brother. We just need to get them both into it."

"What if others come along with them?"

"We have already bribed the lift operator and the people in the CCTV room. They will ensure nobody gets into it with Daniel. They will direct them to other elevators."

"They didn't think you were terrorists?"

"Sean is a very influential person. His family owns half the hotel shares. They won't say no to him."

Joey walked into a room in the first floor of Mondrian Hotel in London with Sean. He wondered why they did not come through the main entrance. Sean led him to the kid's room on the first floor. Joey was surprised to see a quite healthy kid. He wouldn't have believed he had cancer if his head wasn't shaved clean.

The boy was chirrupy. He gave an autograph and took a photo with him, "the kids in my school will die if they see this. Half the class is betting I am lying," Giorgio said grinning from ear to ear.

Joey bent down and kissed him on the cheeks with love, "you will turn out to be a very handsome young man," he said pinching both his chubby cheeks.

Pietro was in the CCTV room. He saw Joey and Sean walk out of the room.

"I am glad there was no crying scene. He is very enthusiastic. Where are his parents?" Joey asked Sean walking towards the elevator. Sean saw Pietro's call in his mobile.

"It is them," he said, "they went to get food. I will join you in five minutes once they come. You wait in the reception," he said staying back in the pretense of attending the call.

"Daniel is in the elevator. I told him to come to the rooftop," Pietro said.

Joey was standing in front of the elevator looking at Sean. He waved him to move. Joey turned and entered the elevator. He saw Daniel. The elevator door closed behind him. He gave a disgusting look and pressed the open button in the elevator. Pietro saw it from the CCTV room. He stopped the elevator using his remote.

Daniel saw Joey. His breath stopped for a moment. He saw the disgust in Joey's face. He saw him trying to get out immediately. Then the elevator got stuck.

"What did you do? The elevator stopped."

"I know to operate an elevator ok. I am not that stupid."

"Then why did it get struck?"

Joey turned to him angrily. His eyes were shooting daggers at him. His hands were pressing the open button again and again. Daniel came near him and tried to press the alarm button. Joey moved away writhing with disgust.

"What, I shouldn't touch you now?" Daniel asked

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"What, I shouldn't touch you now?" Daniel asked.

"Who knows what horrendous disease you got from that hell boy?"

"You have no right to talk about Lucas you headstrong pig," Daniel yelled.

"Don't raise your voice to me Mr. Preda. Remember who you are talking to," Joey's voice came out with utmost command. The next thing he knew was blood gushing from his mouth. Daniel had hit him right across his face with a closed fist.

"I am talking to an egoistic pig. Trash. Trash basket, trash mount" Daniel said hitting him again.

"Oh my God! This is not turning out good. Sean, Daniel hit Joey," Pietro told him in the phone.

Joey felt his stomach, chest, and face being punched constantly in the next two minutes. Blood was pouring from his mouth.

Pietro opened the door of the elevator immediately. Sean pulled Daniel out with great difficulty. Joey just closed the elevator and headed down.

"Are you mad Daniel? Why did you this? I am going to check on him," Sean ran downstairs through the steps.

Daniel stood there for a few minutes clueless what to do next. Then he entered the elevator again and went to the rooftop bar. Pietro saw all this from the CCTV room.

Pietro came out to help Joey in a hurry. He saw Sean rushing in the steps too. He signaled Pietro to go upstairs and caught Joey just when the elevator opened up. Pietro entered the elevator behind Joey and removed the jammer in hurry. He headed to the rooftop.

"Joey, I am so sorry. He was supposed to come later. Come with me. I am so sorry," Sean lead him to a toilet and helped him wash the face. He called the hotel paramedics to give first aid.

"Joey, I will call the police if you want to file a complaint...."

"No," Joey said, looking up at him, "Daniel did not do anything."

Sean got angry, "did you fall down in the elevator then? I feel so terrible I bought you here. You might apply for a restraining order..."

"No Sean. He did not do anything. Promise," Joey insisted.

"How did you get injured then?"

"I... I told him to hit me. Daniel only did what I told him to do. Remember I am still his employer?" Joey tried to laugh.

Next Chapter.... Will Joey forgive Daniel?

To all Janiel fans, 

Keep reading to know the reason behind Joey's awkward acting. Keep Voting. Keep Commenting. 

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