14. Harvard Hottie

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"Did Your brother bring you a gift?" Pietro asked picking up the bag Daniel placed on the coffee table.

"Shall I?" he asked attempting to open it.

"It is not a gift. They are my certificates. Figured you might ask for them. You are my employer."

"Your certificates. I really don't need them. Your work speaks for you."

Daniel shrugged, "whatever. I was a bit concerned there might be something like a job interview."

"I know what you are capable of. I have been keeping tabs on you for over two years now. I was quite impressed the moment I saw you," Pietro said.

"Really?" Daniel asked surprised, "When did you see me?"

"It was here in London. In Rosewood hotel to be exact. You were dancing your heart out in the elevator. I saw a person filming you. I thought you were someone famous."

Pietro took his phone and showed a picture of Daniel in a red lace shirt.

Pietro took his phone and showed a picture of Daniel in a red lace shirt

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"Oh my God! I was completely drunk that day. We got thrown out of the hotel because someone complained about us. I got so pissed off and hit the bar. Joey, my boyfriend was filming me."

"You looked amazing. So fearless. Happy. Did not bother about anything. Acted like you owned the world," Pietro said.

"Joey was having a hard time controlling me that day. Somehow, he managed to pull me out of the hotel. He posted that video. I made him remove those dancing parts as soon as I was sober."

"That was sad. You looked very good in that red lace shirt. I wonder how you got the courage to wear it there.... in Rosewood."

"Alcohol. I am a gentleman otherwise," Daniel laughed.

Pietro opened the bag he was still holding and a huge folder came out.

"Wow. There are report cards from first grade," he went through them playfully. Daniel had gone to a simple public school. But, he had topped his class in every exam. There were certificates of him winning medals in sports every year.

"Did Chris keep all this?" Daniel asked quite surprised getting the certificates from him.

"Daniel you went to Milton Academy in Massachusetts. Wow. That's one of the most prestigious private schools in the US. Isn't it?"

"Yes. I shifted when I was in the 9th grade."

"That's very impressive. I would have loved to study in a school like that. I see where all your grace comes from. Good grooming. And you topped your classes still, shifting from such a small school. Man, you are amazing. How did you even manage to get the admission there?"

Daniel's face flushed. Memories he had tried to bury so deep, resurfaced.

"You were in IJSO?" Pietro asked unbelievingly.

"Yeah. Our team won. That's how I got an admission in Milton."

"That's humble. You were the team leader of the International Junior Science Olympiad team from the USA. You won the best overall student award. Your team won the best experiment award and... what is this certificate? You were the top scorer, in theory, that year. Daniel, you are a genius."

"Oh come on. I just did well in the written examination. Our project was good. It was team- work. So they gave the best student award to me."

"I seriously did not expect your history to unfold this impressively. How many more certificates you have?" Pietro opened the folder and took out all the other certificates.

"You won two International Olympiad championships when you were in Milton. Geography and Biology. I see why you travel so much. And the way to you examined my garden. My God. You were really really studios."

"You are saying that. Petar told me you hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics."

"Of course. I graduated with honors in Mechanical engineering. University first rank and then pursued a Ph.D." Pietro said proudly.

"What? Why are you laughing, first bencher?"

"You in mechanical engineering. I can't imagine you with all those rough dorky boys."

Pietro blushed, "what did you think I would have studied?"

"I would not have spent a minute studying if I had your looks. I would have spent all my time cock hunting."

Pietro slapped him on his thighs. "I had my fair share of adventure. Believe me. Our mechanical department is the best for checking hunky men. Every bad boy in the college is automatically put in there."

They both laughed together. 

"Pietro get down. Sit before me," he said.

He came down still holding the folder and Daniel started massaging his shoulders sitting on the couch.

"Wow. That's really not necessary Daniel. I go to the best spa in London twice a month. They give a very thorough massage."

"I finally got the secret of your marble skin. I am so joining it immediately."

"Absolutely. Believe me. They have the best facials and body masks in the world. I will take you. We can get pampered and pampered all day."

"When are you going next?"

"I am going on Wednesday. But, James had told me not to let you out of the house till he finishes his tests."

"Won't you sneak me out?"

"No. I won't. Don't squint your eyes. I am not falling for your puppy dog face again. Not this time."

Daniel swung both his arms around Pietro's shoulder and tickled him, "please, please, please."

"Oh come on. Can't you wait for one week?" Daniel nodded a firm no and Pietro sighed.

He knew he was going to take Daniel with him if he wanted to visit Mt. Everest. The man had an irresistible charm and knew how to get things done his way.

"You are impossible you know. Let me see what else this folder holds."

"Harvard," Pietro whistled, "Of course I did not expect anything less. Harvard Hottie."

Daniel grabbed the folder from Pietro's hands and threw it aside. "There is nothing important in that. All that matters is what we learn in the industry. Experience."

"I totally agree with you, Daniel. But, certificates do matter for some. You have to meet the CEO of my modeling agency. He is the ultimate boss. You know....the person who finalizes everything. I know how much he values academics. I was very concerned whether he will approve you. It is just enough if I wave this folder in front of him. He is going to want you in his board straightaway."

"Don't worry. I will tell him the certificates are fake if he wants me in his team. I will work only with you. I am very loyal you see. "

"Devil. Devil," Pietro thumped Daniel with his certificates folder.

Next Chapter..... Daniel's meets a fan. What secret is Pietro hiding from him?

To all Janiel fans, 

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