76. Morrison's Master Plan

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Joey rushed with Mr. Woods to the floral shop. He wondered what to select. The woman in the cash counter identified him. "Hi, you are that green haired boy. Aren't you? Daniel's boyfriend?" she asked. 

Joey nodded, "Yes I am. Daniel is my boyfriend," he said proudly. "Only mine. Only mine," his mind beamed with joy. "I want a bouquet for him," he said. 

"You came finally," she sighed. "He won't shut up talking about you," she said. "Danny likes Honey roses. Wait five minutes. I will assemble one with them," she said. 

"I want to wash my face," Joey said. She directed him towards the men's restroom in that floor. Joey saw Sanders while crossing the entrance of the shop. "Oh my God! You are Joey. Aren't you?" he asked identifying him. 

Joey nodded a yes. P was right. Daniel had talked about him to every one. My Danny. Thinks only about me. Loved only me even when I insulted him. Even when I hurt him. 

Joey entered the rest room and washed his face. He saw someone entering in the mirror. Mr. Woods took out his gun and pointed at the man straight. But, someone hit Mr. Woods from behind. 

Joey identified the man. He was the one following Daniel. The man in the pictures P and Mr. Woods were discussing about. Joey raised his hands in surrender. They put a chloroform handkerchief to his nose.


Joey woke up in a chair with both his hands tied back together. He peered at the man standing before him. He had a slender body. His attire reeked money in every inch. 

"Now, I know why Daniel doesn't like you Mr

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"Now, I know why Daniel doesn't like you Mr. Morrison. You are a twink. He is into hunky men," Joey said directly. 

The man before him got enormously angry. He slapped Joey hard. A thin line of blood appeared in Joey's mouth. Joey smiled. 

"You think you are so manly. Have you seen Nick? Pietro? You will never get Daniel even if I don't," he sneered. 

"Don't talk about them. P is a gem," Joey said only to be slapped again by him. 

"That idiot boy punched me on my face before the press for touching Daniel. You both should have died in that flight crash. But, I will finish you now," he said pointing a pistol at Joey. 

"Daniel won't marry you still. He will choose P," Joey did not show a bit of fear. 

"Joey, I wont let him go off that easily. P is nothing without Nick. I separated Nick from Lucas. I will separate Nick from him," Mr. Morrison said. 

"You knew Lucas?" Joey asked surprised. 

"Joey, what do you think all this is about. Money. Just money. Lucas's abundant money. Daniel was supposed to die in the flight crash with his family long back. Mr. Brown worked for Lucas. But, he wanted more. Chris and his daughter fell in love on a visit to Canada," Mr. Morrison said. 

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